[Mustang's a little more... formal than usual. Meaning he's wearing an actual fatigue top rather than the usual tank. He's also in a new office, from the looks of it.]
Greetings. Roy Mustang here - for those of you who don't know me yet, I'm a Meister partnered to Ryotaro Dojima. I handle Batch Two during the daily training sessions, and I used to be affiliated with Raidou Kuzunoha's Agency.
As you all have heard, I have been placed in charge of Death City's Office for General Security by Death the Kid. This means that I will need good people to help me protect the city.
You won't be doing it for free, of course... joining the Watch means being employed, which means being paid for your services. I'm also looking for people to handle a couple of other jobs for the Office on the side.
[He puts up
a link to his inbox, and all the relevant info.]
Interested parties can sign up, effective immediately. If any of you still have questions, though, feel free to ask me here.
Filter | Dojima, Hughes, Hawkeye;
Let's get this show on the road, people. I've roles in mind for all of you.
[Crooked smile.]
It's open to negotiation, though.
Filter | Former Members of the Safety Patrol (Saber, Lightning, Suzaku, Nataku, Tassadar);
I've been instructed to integrate the Safety Patrol into the Watch.
Feel free to contact me if you're still interested in helping out.
Filter | Vergil Sparda;
We've been unable to touch base with each other lately.
How are things? I've been a little too busy to work on that list I promised you, I'm afraid.
Filter | Kuroro Lucifer;
I heard you were a 'collector'.
[There's a wry note on that last word, yep.]