oh-one ▲ video

Jun 06, 2010 12:17

 [The video begins with Aya looking up at the sun a moment, briefly unaware that she's being recorded already. She makes a small 'tch' sound.] I've seen worse.

[And now she's staring RIGHT. AT. YOU.] I don't know who wants to be stuck in Nevada, but it sure as hell isn't me. I'm not joining your group, and I'm not fighting for any cause but getting out of this desert as soon as possible. Everybody has their own problems to deal with, anyway.

[A realization suddenly dawns, making Aya's eyes darken as her gaze goes elsewhere.]

... Eve. [The recording shuts off.]

c: mei (taiwan), c: roy mustang, c: tony stark, c: superbi squalo, c: yao wong (china), c: spirit albarn, c: pepper potts, c: tseng

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