[video] December 15th | Afternoon

Sep 16, 2011 02:26

[video clicks on to show Castor twirling a white cane in one hand and smiling like he's up to something. The room behind him is completely dark, and the only illumination in the video feed is from his own white circuitry, which is distinctly bright while he's in his normal attire.]

Greetings, all. I've been observing the chatter amongst you lot, and I do wish you all the best of luck on your mission. It appears to be quite the ordeal, but those of us staying behind have nothing but confidence in your abilities.

Since everyone seems to have so much on their minds, I shan't drag out my introduction. I have a business proposition. I've got a little something in the works, the opening of a new establishment, and I'm looking for investors. Should this venture capture your interest, please contact me privately so we can go over the details and any questions. There's no obligation at this point, you understand, but let it be known that Zuse rewards those who assist him very handsomely.

I look forward to see who may step up to the challenge. Battle is one thing, but trusting the propriety of one's money is something few can accomplish with ease.

[and after a brief moment of hesitation, like it's an afterthought]

In addition: Since it was recommended to me by several of you after my first communication, I have found out that I am indeed a Weapon. And now that you all know, I reserve the right never to mention it again. Thank you.

[he uses the reach of the cane to turn off the recording]

((ooc: Castor is looking for start-up revenue for his pet project. It won't be open for a little while, because while he's got the location already, furnishing and supplies are still essential))

c: count d, c: zatanna zatara, c: rufus shinra, c: hashiba hideyoshi, c: rikku

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