video | December 15 | 6pm-ish

Sep 13, 2011 01:48

[Rufus's face looks tense, perhaps even a little grim, but it's somehow more relaxed than it's been in awhile. To those who know him well, he's seems to look rather happy (or at least content) - and isn't that odd, coming on the heels of Asch's post?]It looks like things are getting intense, so perhaps this is a bad time to ask what foods are ( Read more... )

c: riku, c: auron, c: jade curtiss, c: nill, c: luke fon fabre, c: raidou kuzunoha, c: reno, c: elena, rufus shinra, c: asch the bloody, c: anise tatlin, c: zelos wilder, c: tseng

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Video/Filtered to Turks fingersloophole September 13 2011, 06:07:43 UTC
[Tseng does not look amused, Rufus. And since Reno seems to be failing in talking you out of this...]

You are not going to Switzerland. No. No negotiation. No bribery. You are not going without one of us present. I will tape you up and leave you floating in your own hot tub.

...but I will make traditional Yule dinner.


Video/Filtered to Turks cuzimtheprez September 13 2011, 06:09:31 UTC
[He flinches. Just slightly.]

It's... important.

That Asch and I go.

[A pause. Does he dare add this word?]



Video/Filtered to Turks fingersloophole September 13 2011, 06:39:05 UTC
No. [Flat refusal. Your Asian mama is not letting you out of this one, Rufus.] Nothing is more important than your safety and your safety will not be the priority if you jet off to whatever Switzerland is with that...boy.


Video/Filtered to Turks cuzimtheprez September 13 2011, 06:40:31 UTC
[Rufus can be stubborn too. He'll just ignore everything Tseng said except for that last part. Yeah. That'll show him! Or... something.]

He's not "that boy", Tseng. Asch is my partner.


Video/Filtered to Turks fingersloophole September 13 2011, 06:53:51 UTC
[And Tseng has been dealing with this for twenty years. Why did the gods saddle him with this stubborn child?]

A partner I've barely met. Which is a fact we will have to discuss later.

I have no idea about his fighting skills or where his loyalties are. You don't even have Dark Nation to take with you.


Video/Filtered to Turks cuzimtheprez September 13 2011, 07:01:13 UTC
He's a General - the perfectly sane kind of General. He's saved my ass more than once and this isn't the first dangerous situation we've walked into. We go to morning training. We're pretty sure we know all my abilities and I can control them well enough. [Not perfectly. But okayish.]

You are perfectly welcome to come and speak to him any time you wish. Or at morning training.


Video/Filtered to Turks fingersloophole September 13 2011, 07:10:56 UTC
Someone else was a perfectly sane General, once upon a time. [I see you want Switzerland burned to the ground, Rufus.] Do you have a death wish? Is that it? Or do you want me to die when something happens to you? That's the only excuse for your foolishness; you wish to kill me.

[Welcome to Tseng's parenting skills. Refusal with a healthy dose of guilt.]


Video/Filtered to Turks cuzimtheprez September 13 2011, 07:14:23 UTC
[Mom, you're being soooo uncool! Rufus grits his teeth.]

Are you trying to guilt me into staying here? Is that it? What if I stayed here and that General you're talking about decides to send Death City the way of Nibelheim because you get attacked? Either way, I'm warm and, either way, I'm under attack.


Video/Filtered to Turks fingersloophole September 13 2011, 07:17:48 UTC
Yes, but if you're here then we will be able to spirit you to relative safety. Beyond the fact that Strife and Fair and Gainsborough and everyone else who was there the first few times there have been fiery hi-jinx are also here.

[Take that. And stop gritting your teeth, you'll give yourself an overbite.] I'll compromise if you take two bodyguards.


Video/Filtered to Turks cuzimtheprez September 13 2011, 07:20:36 UTC
[Once again, most of what Tseng says is in one ear and out the other. Rufus just glares a little and focuses on packing the bathroom stuff since he's hiding out in there from Asch.

If the last year hasn't given him an overbite already, Rufus is pretty sure he's safe from terrible dental hijinks.]

I don't know if Shibusen will let me, Tseng.


Video/Filtered to Turks fingersloophole September 13 2011, 07:30:08 UTC
I did not drag you out of a burning building or...anything else I've done for you, for you to throw yourself off a cliff. In Switzerland. [But he sighs heavily. It's a surprising amount of emotion he wouldn't show if this wasn't filtered.

Fine. Fine. But if you come back with a scratch on you I am going to string that boy up by his intestines and use his flesh to make a snowman. Understood?


Video/Filtered to Turks 1/???? cuzimtheprez September 13 2011, 07:31:23 UTC
[Did... Tseng just... cave?]


Video/Filtered to Turks cuzimtheprez September 13 2011, 07:31:55 UTC
[But he threatened Asch.]


Video/Filtered to Turks cuzimtheprez September 13 2011, 07:32:19 UTC
[But he caved.]


Video/Filtered to Turks; Done cuzimtheprez September 13 2011, 07:34:21 UTC
[Rufus feels like a horrible person.]

I'll come back in one piece, Tseng. We're going to have dinner together on Sunday night, and you still have to get to know Asch.

That's important enough to me to keep me alive. I won't leave you three here like that.


Video/Filtered to Turks fingersloophole September 13 2011, 07:40:02 UTC
[They grow up so fast and realize their parental figures aren't actually gods. It's a bit sad, really.]

I'm going to inspect you before you leave and catalog the state you come back in. I'm also going to cook on Yule, and on Sunday. [These are his demands. Petty as they are.]

I wouldn't let you go if I didn't think we'd trained you well, Rufus. Do not disappoint us.


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