Nov 05, 2006 13:04
I went to do my normal routine check (blood and urine) to see how am keeping up... results came back not too good about my urine. It showed a high jump in RBCs and protein. RBC went up by 3 times and protein doubled. Protein in the blood is low and haemoglobin is going down. That's why i've been feeling a little chilly lately and lethargic. So my GP who has become my confidant urged me to see a kidney specialist yesterday at Gleneagles. So i did and now i need to do a biopsy to see how much damage is done to my beanies.
I've been dropping my steroids and was at 7.5 mg so i decided to raise it by 5mg. Since i've been experiencing some ulcers in my mouth. My inflammation markers are up but the strangest thing is out of the 2 markers that determine how active my lupus, one has reduced by 50%. So it's puzzling me.. am i getting better or what's going on here...
Anyway, the specialist mentioned that she wants to put me on a drug called Cyclophosphamide to couple it with my steroids. Thinks i cant just rely on one immunosuppressant. The thing is she does not understand am trying to rid myself of drugs completely. And the side effects of this drug are horrifying. Sounds worse than Cyclosporin A. Another drug that i was on before. IT's another chemo like drug. I just dont want to solve one problem to land myself into another. Some of the side effects include cancer, infertility, hair loss.... What fucking crap!... I feel science is just helping me to dig my grave further.
Been doing a little research on the net about how i can help my beanies with natural methods. I did find some solutions which will check out with Dr Ian Lee my alternative therapist. I'll find a way... will take the first step of the biopsy and see what happens first. Parents are dead worried cos there is a risk of losing your kidneys to internal bleeding during the process of the biopsy... but i'll just leave it to God now...