play a fool

Mar 29, 2008 02:19

title: play a fool
pairing: pikame, akame
rating: pg-13
summary: pi and kame were together and then jin ruined the party since he's a huge homewrecker.
author’s note: the au that is never going to get written. i was trying to pin (haha, pin!) down characters and messing around with may-be plots and ending up writing twenty-one shorts.
word count: 01490

The thing about Kame is that he's a romantic, all eskimo kisses and evenings spent watching the sunset. He's a true gentleman, really, polite and sensitive.

The thing about Kame is that he throws himself into everything. Work and play. He gets attached, finds it hard to let go, and that sensitivity, really, could get him into trouble along the way.

Jin's spoiled. Everything kind of goes the way he wants. It's his charm, his good lucks, okay, throw in a dash of luck. Jin knows his part and is pretty damn good at the game. He's in it for the ride, for himself.

Which is not to say that Jin doesn't care. Which is not to say that Jin hurts people for his own benefit. Which is to say that Jin is looking for love, but he can definitely deal with lots of playing first.

Yamashita is effortless. He's the kid who was born cool, who starts trends without even knowing it. Yamashita's kinda out of it, but he's sincere and polite and likes to make everyone happy. So he's forgiven because he's Yamashita.

But he is the jealous type, the possessive type. It's endearing because he tries to be subtle, ~~~~~idk anymoree asdfsfa

They're perfect for each other, really. Completely and utterly dedicated. Completely and utterly in love. It's very domestic, very romantic. Kame spends a lot of time at Yamashita's apartment, uses accumulating leftovers to make something decent for lunch. Yamashita waits for him after late university classes and treats him to dinner at their favorite little ramen place.

It's all raw energy with Jin, Kame finds. It's intense, passionate, a conflagration of emotion that makes his breaths come heavy and his skin feel hot. It's playing with fire, playing with Jin, because oxygen is vital, and when the supply's cut off, things smolder quickly. It's like that--when oxygen is reintroduced, it burns brightly again. It's as if the burn-out never happened, as if this is new and exciting and unstoppable all over.

They're best friends. They've known each other since junior high school, since Jin moved into the neighborhood with his ready smile and charming recklessness. They are alike, on the same wavelength. They're like brothers, and no one is surprised when they move into together, Jin the pretty up-and-coming star, Yamashita the popular university student.

They've always like girls. Jin likes them exotic, hair colored light and maybe some mixed blood. Yamashita likes them delicate and natural, slight and vulnerable. Sometimes they like boys, the one-night-stand kind. They don't need flowery words or ask for phone numbers or dates when the night is over. A good fuck is a good fuck is a good fuck.

Kame works and goes to university. He's got a job in promotions for the nightclub of a friend of a friend. Kame's good at making friends, good at finding the right clientele and drawing them in. He's polite and mannerly, and there's something about him, about his attention to detail, that makes everyone think that he or she is his one and only VIP.

Jin meets Kame when he wakes up one morning, pads into the kitchen of the apartment he shares with Yamashita wearing Pikachu boxers (Yamashita's got a pair, too) and mismatched socks. Kame and Yamashita are at the table drinking coffee. Yamashita's got one cream, a sugar, and Kame's looks black. Jin also notices Kame wearing Yamashita’s bath robe and the fact that he's a guy.

Yamashita meets Kame at a dingy little club for indie rock artists to strut their stuff and maybe get noticed. Yamashita's there because the bassist of the second band shares his macroeconomics notes with him and so they are friends. Kame is there because sometimes indie rock types make it big, and if he can attract them to his own venue, then when their popularity skyrockets, so will his paycheck.

Yamashita and Jin are both self-assured. They are blunt, confess outright and are almost impervious to rejection. It's all right. I'll make her love me. It's all right. There are others.

Kame is ambiguous. He is perfect to everyone, cares about everyone. It's difficult to tell if he's being himself or if he is seriously, seriously interested. He makes it known, though, he touches her arm, he looks in her eyes. He lets himself go, is more adorable than cool. And girls fall for him like that, because he's perfect in every freaking way (or plays the game like he is).

Kame likes to be babied. Kame likes it when girls find their maternal instincts and want to take care of him (because he's so so so adorable, and so so so cute!) and likes them older, anyway. More mature, more settled, more confident and less impressionable. Kame likes it when guys baby him too, but mostly because there's something powerful about seducing a man and wrapping him around his little finger. Girls, Kame finds, are sort of easy. Guys are sometimes a worthy challenge.

It doesn't take Kame long to get Yamashita to confess to him. Yamashita isn't shy and Kame isn't subtle. He's a little surprised though, since he finds he's sort of restlessly in love, too. Yamashita is caring, doting, and every day, every week, Kame finds himself falling harder and harder and harder.

Kame doesn't meet Jin until he's been with Yamashita for a while. They're sitting in the little kitchen drinking coffee when Jin stumbles in wearing nothing except Pikachu boxers and maybe a pair of socks. Yamashita looks between the two of them, amused expression on his face. And politely he says, "Kamenashi-kun, Akanishi Jin. Bakanishi, Kamenashi Kazuya."

Kame leaves university (temporarily) after the nightclub owner fires the other promotions guy and he has to pick up the slack. He doesn't mind since he's better at the job anyway. He has a meeting with a DJ at another club when he bumps into one Akanishi Jin wearing dark jeans and a sheer purple button-down only half-buttoned. They chat a little. During the meeting with the DJ, Kame finds it hard to keep his mind focused because out of the corner of his eyes, he can see Jin rolling his hips.

Kame sees Jin at clubs every now and then. One time, Jin gets so drunk that Kame offers to take him home. And then Jin says he has to go to the bathroom before they leave, and Kame follows just in case he has to hold back the other's hair as he throws up. But Jin pushes Kame against the sinks instead, digs his fingers into Kame's hips hard enough to bruise and kisses him hard. And Kame claws at his sides, at his shoulders, pushes him away. Jin looks at him, drunk and glassy-eyed and licks his lips.

Kame's too nice to not take him home, but he doesn't look into the other's eyes the entire way there.

Kame is in love with Yamashita, completely and utterly and totally. So why, he wonders, Yamashita's head on his shoulder, Yamashita's finger drawing secret patterns on his chest, why was he thinking about how good Jin's hair would feel in his fingers? Why was he thinking about Jin's hips and Jin's face, and why did he almost call out Jin's fucking stupid name?

Yamashita’s unsure as to why Kame and Jin don't get along. Whenever Kame is over, he avoids Jin like the plague. Jin pretends Kame doesn't exist, though Yamashita sometimes sees Jin watching them out of the corner of his eyes. It must be because they're so different, Yamashita decides. Jin is a little selfish, self-centered, boisterous and the opposite of meticulous. Kame pays attention to every single detail and everything about him is premeditated, from his choice of works to exactly how he touches Yamashita's wrist.

Kame arrives at the apartment one day and Jin opens the door. He's dressed in loose jeans and a vintage t-shirt, hair styled the towel-dried way. Jin is not subtle about the way he looks Kame up and down, about the way he makes sure to swing those hips of his as he walks into the kitchen. Yamashita, he says, left a little while ago. Something about his sister. Stick around, he'll be back in an hour, tops.

Kame's unsure of how he feels about Jin. They're so different, but they're so alike. Kame went to one of Jin's shows once with Yamashita. Jin had a nice voice, pretty and sweet. Kame was surprised how Jin moved, practiced, how his eyes pierced the crowd, intense. Kame saw how afterwards Jin was able to let himself go and laugh and smile. There's something about him, so sincere, but there's something about him beneath the surface, dangerous and really intriguing.

2008 i don't even know.

pairing: pikame, fandom: je, drabble and/or unfinished/abandoned, pairing: akame

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