This survey made me laugh alot.. I'm sorry to say it seems Japanese boys are just as annoying and boy-like as the rest of the world :c
When 8,500 Japanese women were asked what it is they found inexplicable about male behaviour, they came up with a list which might well be universal…
The results:
1. They spit on the sidewalk
2. They buy the stupidest of things
3. They tell barefaced lies
4. They contact you even after you break up with them
5. They think women who act like children are “cute”
6. They refuse to retrace their steps when they go the wrong way
7. They brag about health problems
8. They don’t throw out the rubbish in their rooms
9. They often respond absentmindedly
10. They drink canned soda/coffee all the time
A.. anyway.. I never got round to making doll clothes, because I found this hideous.. thing in my old files and needed to redraw it D8 I'm sorry S-chama, that I abandoned our doujinshi thing for this, but it's.. good practice? ;;
It's MirokuxShuji~ just one page, with a really fail sparkly kiss XD me and screentone don't like eachother much D8
And the orginal Miroku looked like..
NGGH. D8 I drew that the end of 2007.. improvement makes me happy ;;
Read right to left please >3<;;
One day I'd like to do more than one page, but I need to learn how to use screentone properly first ;; I always want to over use it >.<
..I know the kiss is useless ;; but VERY NICE FRIENDLY GENTLE crit would be appreciated.. ;u; I want to improve~
enjoy ♥