Me and the word hiatus don't get along.

Oct 18, 2009 21:05

I think I give up on the hiatus. *weak willed* Being shaken up like that seems to have given me some weird clear minded ambition, and there's suddenly 8974 things I want to do and post about ;; and like I said to nee-chan, I'd rather be with you guys than without at a time like this >.< uh. anyway. I did some art and manip while I was at work with mum today c: because we all like a girl!Jin ♥ ..I like a girl!Jin. shush.

I has previews c:

curly boy Kame and lolita Kame 83~ I ♥ his loli-hair 8D

yes girl!Jin ♥ I just wish I'd chosen a base pic with more boobs and less weird perspective >.< I forgot how much fun manips are to do >3<

enjoy ♥

I have doll clothes to make tomorrow D8 wish me luck, I've never succeeded before ;_;
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