I forgot to turn off auto-renew on this. I'm not supposed to be using dad's credit card, but it auto-renewed already. (I have my own card now, so he isn't going to be happy if he finds out.)
Guess I'll have to start using this again. 8D (I swear I turned renewals off. Damn.)
So, I went for a swim today because I haven't done so for a long time. BUT, because I haven't done so for a long time, the second I went in there I pretty much almost drowned. :x
Though, I got the hang of swimming again thereafter.
So, I've been busy cleaning out this damned dirty bedroom. Under my computer desk… lots of dust balls. Yes, very unhealthy. And yes, I've cleaned it out already.
And now my room's layout is really different. Took a while to get it into its presentable state, but now I'm dead tired.