Are you afraid of the dark?

Oct 28, 2004 10:25

Goodness gracious I cannot believe I'm awake, not that 10 is so early or even that I got out of bed at 8. The issue would be the less than 20 consecutive minutes of sleep I acquired last night. I don't know what's wrong with me. No matter how blurred and stung my eyes got I simply could not close then without the immediate sensation that there was something bad right behind me ... all the avoiding of scary movies I've done this month and I'm still left feeling like I was still 9 years old, hugging my pillow in Chattanooga, wishing I could just sleep with the light on.

I met with my academic advisor this morning which wasn't nearly as informative as I expected. The only news she really gave me was that I have to take Computer Science 1 next semester. I didn't want to do this because it means a wake up time earlier than today's twice a week. I fought so hard to keep my lazy afternoon schedules but at 7:30AM on Tuesdays and Thursdays next semester I'll have to pay my dues to the nerd community. Everything else worked out the way I had planned. I get to keep Martinez (my personable and insightful English teacher who's the closest thing to the Pitkins and Currans this school seems to offer) and if all goes will I should have a friend in my speech class. So the only other concern is earned a C in calc one so I can take calc two ... why couldn't I have just been interested in an easy major?
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