Gosh, am I glad that that I joined AO3 when I did (THANK YOU OMG for the invite,
sahiya) - apparently AO3 has recently been hit by a deluge of writers fleeing ff.net, which is deleting fics for random TOS-y reasons. I just saw this screencap on a fandom community:
....2013-02-07?! Holy crap.
If anyone would like an invite/is waiting for one, by the by, I have two on my account to spare. Given the situation I'm happy to give them away, first-come-first-served.
In other news: I woke up this morning BRIMMING with ideas for fic and itching to sit down and write. Stupidly, I went to my usual 6 hours of thrice-weekly group therapy and assumed that I could write when I got home. I was wrong. :(
And, of course, the slowest-going fic of them all is my Big Bang. Dear lord, let me not end up writing that fic in the four hours before first drafts are due. D: