Concrit/OOC issues: I rarely post comments in
cfud_concrit. I forget and I'm also extremely lazy. Both Ryuuken and Haruhi have OOC crit posts in their journals. Those or email are your best bet.
Contact methods: I'm on IRC as either Ryuuken or Haruhi. I usually lurk, but feel free to pm me. You can reach by email at rahzel.rose[at]gmail[dot]com. I will get it almost immediately, if not, within five minutes. You can also comment on either Ryuuken (
doctorquincy) or Haruhi's (
sosdanchou journal and I will receive them right away. If you want, you can also leave a comment on my personal lj (
rahzel). I do have AIM (notaquincy) and MSN (rahzel.rose[at]gmail[dot]com). You are more likely to catch me on MSN than AIM, but I rarely sign onto either. Email is usually your best bet.
Time/Schedules: I live in California so PST is my timezone. I open 5 days a week, so I'm on in the afternoon/evenings. Aside from that, I'm pretty much always online. I don't sleep. Ask anybody.
Cliques: I don't think either Ryuuken or Haruhi have cliques. Ryuuken will talk to anyone, even those he hates (HI, LIGHT). Haruhi will say hi to anyone but chances are, she'll find you boring and walk away unless you pique her interest. If you think I'm clique-y, please let me know.
Dropping threads: I don't drop threads. Usually. There are a few things, though. First, I am VERY easily distracted by shiny. I'll hit reply and then read fic for ten minutes because I've forgotten that I meant to reply like TWO SECONDS AGO. Seriously. Second, I'm usually pretty quick about replies, but sometimes it may take a while. My thought process is HORRIBLE. I think in sentence fragments and pictures, so trying to come up with a lenghty and intelligent reply will take me a while. Point the third has to do with my characters. Ryuuken is quiet. He dots and makes non-commital noises. A lot. This does not mean that I'm ending/dropping the thread. That's just what he does. With Haruhi, she usually walks away. And I'll say that in action brackets in her comments. There are a few reasons she does this. 1) She's said what she wanted to and is done with the conversation. 2) She got bored and walked away. 3) She doesn't like you/doesn't want to talk to you anymore. Note that this isn't ME, that's just the way she is. And if there's ever a time when I need to leave or whille be gone, I will say so in ooc brackets at the bottom of my comments and will pick up the thread when I get back. Also, if I think the thread has come to a natural close, I will not reply. If you want to keep going, just poke me and I'll come up with something.
Comfort levels: If I go to far, please tell me. Please. I'm pretty easy-going.
Apps: I don't mind beta-ing. I'm don't think I'm great at it, but I'm always willing to take a look.
Character preference: I don't really have one. I love Ryuuken and Haruhi both to death. I usually play both at the same time. There are some days where I'll play Haruhi more because she requires less thought. Other days, I'll play Ryuuken more because he's a dick and it's fun.