Jul 18, 2006 18:32
Name: Suzumiya Haruhi
Age: 15 - 16
Height: 5'2"
Eyes: Brownish-gold
Hair: Dark brown
Medical info: Haruhi is perfectly healty and in very good shape.
Physical traits: She's short and has a nice figure.
What's okay to mention: Anything! Bring up camp, home, anything. If she doesn't want to talk about it, you'll know. XD
Notes for the psychics: Haruhi is . . . well, kind of like god in her world. That, and her thought process is very . . . active. She, herself, has no psychic abilites and would not be able to tell if someone was poking around in her head.
Abilities: Technically, Haruhi can make her wishes come true. This is something I don't play with in camp because this isn't her world. She can bounce back pretty quickly from anything that isn't, oh, death or horrible maiming.
Shapeshift/bodyswap/etc.: She's all up for that!
Hugging/kissing: Go for it. With hugging, she'll wtf in her head and probably either awkwardly pat your back/return the hug then pry herself away. Unless she really likes you. Then it depends. Kissing can go either way. She may kiss back or she may punch you in the face. XD
Fighting: Sure! She has no real fighting skills, but she's fast and extremely athletic so she'd probably be able to dodge stuff/get a few good hits in.
Killing: I have no problem with it as long as there is advance notice. But there may or may not be a mafia coming after you if you do. :D
Cooking: She's good at pretty much everything, so I don't see why she wouldn't be good at cooking.