Because I can, I am holding a drabble contest.
01 Your drabble must be between 100 and 500 words.
02 Your drabble must center on the relationship between Jacob and Bella.
03 Your drabble must be posted ANONYMOUSLY to this topic. If you screw this up somehow or tell your friends or whatever, your drabble will be disqualified. I don't
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Comments 212
Awwww :(
I love the tone of this. It's so pensive and simple. Very beautiful, anonymous.
Oh, yes, she is a Good Daughter, the kinder and cleaner type of a divorce-bitten cleft child; but even without a love sent from something she would find the dark in the middle of the night, sneaking out for friends. She would pick a daisy from a neighbor's yard and it would dangle from her hand when his car came scuttling through the thinness of too late o' clock. Coffee at the diner instead of cigarettes, but something that would happen in the back seat with a soft rush. She'd be a good girl in her quiet skirt, her red sneakers for tiptoeing to keep from waking, and she'd write Renee a letter every day. He'd be a kid cut free from any kind of upbringing that tells him what to do, find something for his heart in what the rule books never say. He'd do the right thing, he'd do the risky thing. He'd dare her to know the difference; when he'd drop her off, when his hand would leave her knee, she'd wonder if there was one.
I especially love this phrase~
the kinder and cleaner type of a divorce-bitten cleft child
It's so beautiful, I couldn't believe I'd actually read it. Brilliant.
I love how the story tells you in such a subtle way what's going on and leaves a lot to the reader's imagination.
I really liked the mysterious and... adult tone of your story and I hope you are going to contribute to round two of the drabble contest
And least, deep within her most private of thoughts, she is honest with herself.
She doesn't want Jacob to find happiness with anyone else.
She wants him for herself.
Jacob's seen her at her worst. Worse than she ever could have imagined she'd act. More deadened than she ever could have thought she'd feel. Broken to the point of recklessness, battered to the point of cruelty.
She's only ever seen him at his best.
When Jacob figures out how to break the Imprint, she's excited. Renesmee's her daughter. She's excited ( ... )
loved that line
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