Journalistic Integrity

Sep 05, 2011 22:06


Well that's too bad, because I am here to tell you about the first event of the school year!

Starting this Wednesday, your characters might notice something different about their ink. Like the fact that it is RAINBOW FABULOUS.

Well, sort of. Y'see, their ink will be changing colors to reflect their emotions! In fact, we even have a handy dandy color wheel for you to reference!

Click on it to make it bigger.

Of course, the characters won't know why their journals have suddenly decided to spruce it up a bit, or what the colors represent, but a little critical thinking might be able to figure it out.

The event will run until SATURDAY, and if you need help with coding font colors, I have some examples under the cut.

To change your font color, type in This will be your colored text. So for example, if you want your text to be yellow-green, type Text here!
There is a list of named web colors here. If you type a color name that isn't on that list, it isn't going to work!
If you want a little more precise control over your colors, you can go here to get the hex code of your perfect shade.

If I haven't explained this very well, feel free to ask more questions in the comments.

I also have other news! Your quidditch captains have been selected!

Graham Specter will be captain of GRYFFINDOR! and is taking Thursday tryouts.
Natalya Arlovskaya will be captain of HUFFLEPUFF!
Noah Puckerman will be captain of SLYTHERIN!
RAVENCLAW still needs... more than one player. COME ON NERDS.

Captains will have received their letters before the term began, when the prefects did (sorry sorry we're so late ;;). QUIDDITCH TRYOUTS will be held starting this Thursday and continuing through Sunday, with one team having the pitch per day. Captains may choose which day they'd like to hold their tryouts.

Also Antonio Fernandez is now Head of Gryffindor House.

As usual, feel free to ask questions or discuss plotting in the comments of this post! Leafy out!

quidditch, event, mod post

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