Captain Voting!

Sep 03, 2011 00:25

Hey guys, it's time to vote for quidditch captain!

Normally quidditch captains receive their letter of selection before the start of the year along with prefects, but unfortunately we're running late this year. However, if your character gets selected, you're welcome to assume they were informed of their captaincy last week.

There are also two Heads of House up for application, and the same goes for assuming they were already granted the position.

Voting will be closed on MONDAY. Everyone please vote!

1. Pick what you feel is the best choice, not what your friends are voting for.
2. 65% Approval is what is needed to gain the position.
3. You have until SEPTEMBER 5TH
5. PLEASE ONLY VOTE ONCE. Any additional votes will be discounted.



Name: Graham Specter
Journal: spannerinworks
House: Gryffindor
Year: 7th
Position and Proficiency at it: Beater and really damn good. Has the potential to be scouted for a pro team, which sounds kind of overwrought until you realize it's one of the few future prospects he's well qualified for that isn't criminal in nature.
In-Game Reasoning for why they'd make a good captain: Graham is entering his final year at Hogwarts, and he wants to make it a time to remember. And when Graham sets his mind on something, he throws himself at it with full force. Even though he definitely tends to contradict himself a lot and is absolutely a plaything of his own whims, this does not mean that he doesn't devote a huge chunk of energy to whatever transient pursuit is drifting through his mind at the time.

More importantly, his role as a Quidditch Beater is one of the few things that isn't subject to this wandering eye habit. He loves to fight; he adores beating things so much that he views it as a higher calling and a form of art. As a Beater, he is not just allowed but encouraged to express this by beating the ever-loving hell out of Bludgers, keeping them from his fellow Gryffindor players and (oh so much more satisfactorily) sending them rocketing at the opposing team.

Canon Reasoning: Graham is the leader of a gang of young thugs loosely connected with the Russo crime family (mostly through Graham's idol-worship and association with Ladd Russo). Although it's never shown how he accumulated these underlings, it's absolutely certain that Graham calls the shots within the group. They quietly listen to his tirades, give him useful information when he asks for it, and even applaud his statements on demand. Graham is shown to be highly capable of keeping his crew in line (or what resembles a line in Graham's incredibly chaotic little world). He is (literally) forceful if they displease him, but they stick with him regardless. Either he's doing something right to command their respect, or he's like a train wreck that they just can't look away from. But either way, as long as they're still following him, it's far from a sad, sad, sad story.

Perhaps it's thanks to his own mercurial nature, but Graham is capable of coming up with plans as well as working extemporaneously. Shortly after his introduction in the series, he whips up a plan to kidnap a young heiress. He considers the plan incapable of error, as either his crew will get ransom money or they'll all go to jail as a tribute to Ladd Russo and their own gumption. Although the kidnapping part of the plan technically goes off without a hitch, he must act and react quickly in the fights and shenanigans that follow once it's revealed that he's nabbed a highly capable assassin instead of a helpless debutante.

In other words, within the context of Graham's canon, he's most definitely a leader. And he, too, has a boss to whom he is devoted, so he has experience with both ends of the leader-follower dynamic. Yes, he's a bit of a showboat, but the fact remains that he's capable of maintaining a gang despite the fact that he could have easily been a complete loner oddball.


Name: Natalya Konstantyonva Arlovskaya
Journal: flaxenflowers
House: Hufflepuff
Year: 6th
Position and Proficiency at it: Beater, very good.
In-Game Reasoning for why they'd make a good captain: While she's usually stuck in supporting roles, Natalya can and will take charge, especially if put into a leadership position. Natalya is cold, shrewd, and would not take failure for a result. Tactics and cacluations come easy to her, and making sure her teammates are following suit is already high on her priorities. Flying around aimlessly and stupidly get instantly on her nerves, and the idea of being in charge of them is quite the exciting prospect to her. Discipline, focus, and determination sum up how she already plays, and imbuing that onto her teammates would be her first order. Suffice to say, Natalya would not be a very nice captain, but she would definitely get the job done and make sure her teammates understand that doing well is important - not only on the pitch, but in their schoolwork as well.
Canon Reasoning: Belarus is much like her counterpart here in SH, albeit a bit more cruel. She's cold, calculating, and crazily determined - although that usually gets focused at Russia half the time. She will make people realise what she wants, and if she can make it happen, she will. (Such as getting Finland to videotape her smiling for the briefest of seconds, even if it was only to get Russia to look at her.) Even if she's told "no," she will plow on through, making sure that others realise that she is not going to step down anytime soon - or at least easily.

And again - in Belarus, doing well in sports - especially hockey - is viewed as fairly important; the old Soviet adage of "we will show them how strong we are through our amazing sports teams" still stands, even now. Failure is not an option for her, and translating that into being Quidditch captain here in SH AU land could work out very nicely.


Name: Noah Puckerman
Journal: puckinyourmom
House: Slytherin
Year: 6th
Position and Proficiency at it: Beater - he's a great one. Boy was born to hit bludgers.

In-Game Reasoning for why they'd make a good captain: Yes, Puck is a screw-up.

Puck is also a goldmine of currently untapped leadership potential. When push comes to shove, Puck is very responsible, he always tries to do the right thing when it's serious, or when there's something at stake. In-game, he hasn't gotten a chance to display his leadership qualities much, but they're still there. Puck loves the game, and he loves the team (secretly but actually not), and he's more than willing to whip them into shape. Despite what everyone would likely assume, Puck will take it seriously, and the girls with the nicest asses won't get preference.

Canon Reasoning: Despite not actually being in charge of anything, Puck has shown himself to be a better leader than the series' "official" one. Whether it's the football team or the glee club, Puck's always more than willing to step up when necessary. It isn't the football team's captain who motivates them to play after they've all chickened out before the championship game, it's Puck. When the glee club is in trouble and needs another member, the coach doesn't turn to the captains, Finn and Rachel, he turns to Puck, and Puck delivers.

He's quick to defend his team mates, regardless of whether or not they're competing at the time. When Kurt is being harassed, Puck offers to defend him immediately. Puck takes the initiative when it's time to get back at a rival team, and he really cares about each of them, even if he isn't the type to shout it from the rooftops. Throughout the series he grows from the kind of person who would rather shift responsibility onto others, to a leader in his own right.



Full Character Name: Dr. Jonathan Crane
House: Ravenclaw
Year or Teaching Position: Potions Master
Position: Head of House
Why: In canon, he is actually a well respected doctor, albeit a crazy villain who wears a sack on his head, terrorizing the city with fear out of greed and/or for his own reasons. This helps him, a bit. He is respected, praised, and feared; certain things that should be directed at a person of his status.

In game, the only real thing his is feared. This does, however, lead people to respect him.. out of fear. He is an alumni of Ravenclaw, prefect in his 5th and 6th years, Head Boy in his 7th. Numerous NEWTs, etc. This is why he went off to become a doctor. He feels Ravenclaw isn't getting the recognition that it deserves. He believes they can amount to so much more with the right guidance. He definitely doesn't plan to coddle them. No one learns anything from being treated like a child.


Full Character Name: Antonio Fernández Carriedo
House: Gryffindor
Year or Teaching Position: Care of Magical Creatures
Position: Head of House
Why: In canon, Spain affectionately calls himself "boss" - and boss he certainly was. Spain was an empire, and while he may have let Romano run circles around him, it's been stated he was pretty strict with any of his other colonies. (Strict, really, is nearly an understatement...)

In game, Antonio's maybe a bit more agreeable than his canon counterpart, but while he's cheerful and affable, he does not take well to people not listening to him or their elders. He's been taught that listening to your superiors is important, and while he wasn't a stunning example of that as child, he fully believes that the students shouldn't go too far out of line. He may not be the most strict with everything, but if any student really did something bad, he would be sure to put his foot down and deal out whatever punishment necessary. He wouldn't skimp on detention or taking off points, even for kids from his own house.

On the lighter side - Antonio is definitely willing to listen to kids and help them out. He adores them, and as long as they aren't causing trouble or asking for too much, Antonio would love to mentor them and be there for them no matter what. Younger houses would probably get showered in love and sweets, and the elder students could rely on him for gentle - if not scatterbrained - advice. He'd stand up for his students without even blinking, and would be there to protect them in a heartbeat.

Also! Antonio used to be in Gryffindor, and still has a bit of a fondness for his old house.

Poll Captains and Heads of House

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