[LOG] Chat?

Mar 05, 2009 01:09

WHO: Treize, Zechs
TONE: Worried, Reflective, Nostalgic
WHEN: After Zechs' chat with Dorothy, between classes
WHERE: Outside Zech's office, in Treize's office
WHAT: Treize and Zechs worry a little about the latest happenings and Dorothy's choice of company among other students.
STATUS: Complete

Zechs paced up and down the cooridor in front of his office. It was lunch and he wasn't hungry. He stopped pacing and ran a hand through his loose bangs. With Dorothy free from her oath... He was worried that someone would get to her... Not that anyone had any reason to go after him or his family, but... With rising tensions in the wizarding world lately.

Treize was on his way through the halls away from the classroom towards his own office. He spotted a familiar head of long blond hair ahead of him. "Zechs?" he called, approaching his friend from behind.

He turned around and looked at Treize. "Hello Treize." the former Auoror said with a sigh.

"Is there a problem?" Treize asked when he heard the sigh. He walked over to stand next to him. "What's going on?"

"Worried." was the short reply.

"That doesn't answer my questions," Treize pointed out. He clasped his hands behind his back, studying the other man before him. "What's making you worried?"

"I released Dorothy from her oath... What if someone gets her to talk?" Zechs said quietly. He didn't trust any of the paintings.

"Why did you release her?"

"I was hasty in my decision to make her swear an oath."

"I agree," Treize said. "However, in the case of keeping her from talking under duress, perhaps some sort of enchantment wouldn't be a bad idea."

"I think the three of us should sit down and talk about it a calm manner."

"That would probably be for the best," Treize agreed. "Our offices are devoid of any 'spies'," he said, referring to the paintings. "Either one would work."

Zechs leaned against the wall and looked down the hall at the paintings that where present.

"It's not a bad idea."

"I know Treize."

He nodded.

Zechs sighed.

"Anything else?"

"Perhaps we should go to one of our offices." He eyed a painting that was watching them intently.

"Very well." Treize nodded, indicating for Zechs to choose. They were closest to the Arithmancy professor's office, but Treize wasn't adverse to returning to his own, either.

"Lets go back to your office." he said.

Treize nodded. He turned and headed down the hall.

Zechs followed.

Treize stepped into his office and gestured for Zechs to sit down. "Tea?" he offered, setting the kettle and the magical flame for himself at least.

"Please." he replied sitting down.

Treize prepared two cups. "So... care to give some more details now that we're in more private settings?"

He looked over at Treize.

Treize met his gaze evenly.

"What do you want to know?"


Zechs sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

Treize frowned.

He sighed.


The pale haired man looked away.

Treize shook his head. "Fine. I'm not going to pull teeth with you." He turned back to the kettle now that the water was heated and poured two cups.

"The rising tension between the Purists and the rest of the Wizarding world... It's insane. I'm afraid that my actions will cause my family to become a target."

"Your actions as what?" Treize said. "An auror? A pure-blood hiding as a half-blood?" He handed one cup to Zechs before sitting down with his own. "You need to worry less over things you may have no control over and concentrate on those you do."

"Do you think releasing Dorothy from her oath was a mistake?"

"Yes and no," Treize said.


"Yes because it's settled things between you and my cousin..." Treize said. "No because it leaves her open to interrogation."

"I'm worried about the company she's keeping?"

"I am, too." Treize frowned. "I spoke with her about it."

"What did she say?"

"She basically told me to stay out of it and she could handle it," Treize said with a sigh, taking a sip of his tea."

"She's an untrained witch..."

"I know she is."

He sighed and set the tea cup down.

"If she won't accept our help, we can't force it down her throat," Treize told Zechs. "But, she does know how I feel about it and she has promised to be careful. I have told her to come to one of us if she feels like things are getting out of her control."

"She'll go to you Treize. She still hates me."

"As long as she goes to one of us, it doesn't matter who," Treize told him. "If she knows you're there, then as she calms down she might be more comfortable around you as well."

"Even if she still has negative feelings with me.... I'll go to her aid."

"I know you will," Treize said. "And I told her as much. I think she knows it, too."

Zechs nodded and then picked up his cup. He took a sip.

Treize sipped his own tea.

The tea helped relaxed him.

Treize leaned back in his chair.


"For what?" Treize asked, looking up at his friend over his cup.

"Being a stubborn ass."

Treize chuckled. "Well, that comes with your upbringing, I suppose." He smiled at him.

He stuck his tongue out at his old friend.

"Such immaturity... from a professor..." Treize teased.

He laughed at that. "We've been friends for a long time Treize."

"Yes... that we have." Treize smiled.

"We met when I was what... Six years old?"

"You were still with your family then," Treize said with a nod.

"I was still... Well, you know."

"Mm-hm." He sipped his tea again, closing his eyes for a moment as he remembered.

"I thought you where quite stuck up."

"And you weren't?" Treize chuckled.

"I was six!" He said with a laugh.

"And I was just getting into adolesence," Treize said. "The perfect time for snobbery and rebellion."

Zechs laughed again. "Yes, I suppose."

"At least we both grew out of it," he said.

"I think we would have killed each other if we didn't."

Treize smiled. "Perhaps."

He chuckled.

"Feeling a bit better?" he asked.

"I am."


Zechs looked at the time keeper. "We should get going."

"Yes... the afternoon sessions are starting soon," Treize agreed. He finished his tea and placed the cup aside.

He set the cup down and stood up.

"I hope this helped," Treize said as he stepped out of his office.

He followed after Treize. "It did."

"I'm glad." Treize looked back at Zechs. "You can't control everything. There's always the chance it might get out. But, there are certain things you can do. You can't worry about other things outside that realm."

"You're right. I can only take things one day at a time."

"Exactly." Treize nodded. "Now... go teach your class." He smiled a bit.

He rolled his eyes at Treize and stepped into his classroom.

Treize chuckled to himself and returned to his own classroom..

treize, zechs

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