Resistance is Futile

Mar 03, 2009 13:57

WHO: Dorothy Catalonia and Treize Khushrenada
TONE: Tense
WHEN: March 3rd
WHERE: History of Magic office
WHAT: Discussion about Dorothy's choices
STATUS: Complete

Dorothy found herself reluctant as she walked the hallways. Her destination did not exactly make her excited. It was hard enough seeing her cousin during classes, but to have to speak with him outside of those torturous hours? It made her quieter than usual, and she suspected it was beginning to show to those few who knew her even a little. Finding herself standing in front of the door to her cousin's office, she knocked on the door.

"Come," Treize called, reading over the results of another test. He knew what was coming, but tried not to worry about it. He had a feeling Dorothy was going to resist.

Dorothy opened the door when bid and stepped inside, letting the door close after her. Despite her inner turmoil with her cousin, she had no desire to have it spread across the school. She walked over to Treize's desk.

Treize looked up at her once she was still. "You know why you're here," he said, nodding for her to sit in the other chair.

Dorothy kept her expression neutral as she obediently sat. "You weren't overly specific," she responded.

He leaned on the desk, his gaze never wavering. "No... but there was a reason for that. You do realize how dangerous some of your current company is, correct?" he asked her.

Her lips quirked slightly as she tilted her head, meeting his gaze. "It makes them interesting."

"Belphagor and his family is known to be very dangerous," Treize warned her. "You should be careful you don't end up like that Hufflepuff student."

"I'm aware of that," Dorothy answered archly. "I'm also not as stupid as that Hufflepuff."

"Minato is not a stupid student," Treize said.

She gave a slight shrug. "I say he is stupid because he allowed Belphagor to do as he pleased." She knew that from the chattings of the portraits.

"And what makes you think you can stop him from doing the same to you?"

"He has no more interest in me," Dorothy responded.

Treize looked thoughtful for a moment. With the student on suspension, he supposed it didn't matter much anyway. However, that wasn't something he could discuss with her, thanks to Dumbledore's precautionary enchantments. However, Belphagor would return. "You should hope it remains that way," he said.

She watched him, wondering at what he was thinking. She knew something was going on within her House regarding Belphagor, just not the details. "What would you suggest I do if that changes, then?"

"Watch your back and get help," Treize said firmly. "You can come to either myself or Zechs. We won't spread tales, you know that."

Dorothy looked away, slight frown shifting her expression as she even thought about going to Zechs for help.

"You know he'll help you," Treize told her.

"At what price?" She challenged him, meeting his gaze again.

"None," he countered. "And I'll make sure of it."

"You told him my word was all he should need, he still insisted on the Oath."

"Are you insisting on an oath from me?"

Dorothy shook her head, sighing quietly. "No..I just don't trust him to not insist on something further," she admitted reluctantly.

"I think the two of you need to speak with one another," Trieze said, thinking about what Zechs had spoken with him about recently as well. He knew the Arithmancy professor regretted his actions, that he had acted more out of strong emotions than reason.

Her hands clenched a little in her lap at the suggestion. "What about?" She asked, tone a bit wary.

"About how things passed between you in regards to what happened."

"I don't want to discuss that with him." Dorothy managed not to bite out those words, though her tone was obviously tense.

"You can't spend the remainder of your time here ignoring each other," Treize said. "People will notice."

"I participate in class," she retorted.

He sighed. "Connections will be made, eventually, Dorothy... and, for those who are nearly family to not be speaking with one another, that looks suspicious."

"I have told no one of my relationship with him. Only those who are adamant to find out will look through files. While I've spoken with the Ministry official assigned to my House, I have told him nothing, despite his attempts."

"That's not to say it won't happen, Dorothy," Treize said. "The Ministry is sticking its nose where it doesn't belong because of all this Death Eater activity. Things are bound to come out."

Dorothy sighed and looked away. "Fine..I'll speak with him. I can't promise it will end civily, but..I will talk to him."

"That's all I can ask, I suppose," Treize said. He would have preferred a 'civil ending', but both were known to let things get to them now and then.

Her hands unclenched as she made herself attempt to relax, even a little. "Was there anything else?"

"No, that is all for now," Treize said.

Dorothy nodded and stood up, moving to leave. "You should watch your back as well," was her parting comment as she walked out the door.

Treize looked up, a questioning look on his face, but it turned to a frown after she was gone. He narrowed his eyes slightly.

treize, dorothy

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