1. Your name: Lannie
2. Your age: 19
3. What makes you get up in the morning? Knowing that I have responsibilities to take care of. As you can tell, not many things thrill me.
4. Go to this website and copy your result into your application.
Extroversion results were medium which suggests you average somewhere in between being assertive and social and being withdrawn and solitary.
Orderliness results were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly organized, neat, structured and restrained at the expense too often of flexibility, variety, spontaneity, and fun.
Emotional Stability results were moderately low which suggests you are worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious.
Accommodationresults were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly kind natured, trusting, and helpful at the expense of your own individual development (martyr complex).
Inquisitiveness results were moderately low which suggests you are, at times, overly small minded, traditional, and conventional at the expense of intellectual curiousity, possibility, and progress.
5. What do you think of either Voldemort or Snape as a character? I think they’re much needed. Without them, there would be no plot therefore, no point in the story. I also think there is a deeper history behind the two of them and so, I think it will be very interesting to read about it and to find out what happened along the way. I find it interesting to discover how a person is the way they are.
6. What are your other passions/ fandoms excluding Harry Potter? I don’t really have a passion about anything besides writing. I love creativity and I can read for days without sleep if the book is something that catches my attention. My imagination also springs up ideas at any moment. I could be walking mindlessly down the street when an idea suddenly jumps into my head and my whole trip down the street will become suddenly entertaining.
7. Who do you relate to most within the Harry Potter series? If anything, I think I relate to the way Harry feels throughout the books. He goes through so many different things in his life that it’s hard not to sympathize with him. For example, the fifth book when he becomes all temperamental and such. I think I would feel that way too if I went through what he did. I mean, if I never had friends until I hit 11 years old and then four years later, they decide to rub in my face that they knew a secret that they can’t tell me, I would be pretty upset. And honestly, how would I feel if I had some evil wizard stuck in my head? Who can see what I see and feel what I feel whenever he wants to? I would be scared shitless. And without friends to support me just makes it harder. And then to have my mentor not even look me in the eye when he’s addressing me. Then, by the end, my Godfather dies and the only person there is to blame is myself. I would probably be doing more than yelling all the time and throwing things around. It’s like, to be given something as wonderful as the feeling of being loved and then, suddenly, going to a place I hate with people I hate only to find that, everything that was given to me is taken away. All because of a scar on my forehead. It sucks and though I haven’t gone through that exactly, I think I can relate myself to the way he feels in the book very much.
8. What is your favourite novel (ex. Harry Potter)? The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. This is the most inspiring book I have ever read. It talks about philosophy and questions so many things everyone often questions in their lives. I also enjoyed Paulo’s Eleven Minutes. It was about a prostitute searching for a closer connection to her soul. It was very interesting. I thoroughly enjoyed the different perspective it gave to prostitutes. If there were any books I recommend, it would be these two.
9. Would you run for prefect or Head Boy/ Girl if you were at Hogwarts? If I could, I would love to help out. But if I feel there is someone who can do a better job than me, then they should definitely take the role. Those positions are for helping others and if someone can help others better, than who am I to get in the way? And it’s just a title. It doesn’t mean those who aren’t prefects or head boy/girl’s can’t help out.
10. Who is your least favorite character - why? I won’t mention the popular characters that people usually don’t like (e.g Umbridge). But I would have to say I dislike Ginny the most. I don’t like the way she disrespects her brother’s. I know she is a pretty main character in the books but I just don’t like her. I don’t like her cockiness and her obvious disrespect for those who only care about her. I think it’s because I liked Ron before I really got to know Ginny. And so because of that, I don’t like Ginny suddenly coming up and thinking she is better than Ron. Ron only loves his sister and I can understand how he only wants to protect his little sister when they are in a boarding school with no parental guidance besides the professors. I would be that protective of my younger brothers if I could.
11. What do you consider the key qualities of the four Hogwarts houses? (Describe why you think this and elaborate!)
Gryffindor: Bravery. I find that most characters in this house show a huge bravery quality. As if it’s not obvious enough. But it seems to be the one characteristic that everyone in the house carries. All the characters mentioned from Gryffindor have courage and a sort of outspokenness that is just very noticeable.
Ravenclaw: The ability to be good at something and build from it. I would not say this is the clever house because many people in Hogwarts are very clever. So it would not be a quality that a Ravenclaw must have. I would say it is because those who enter this house have a goal and know how to build from it. They know how to use this goal to their advantage.
Hufflepuff: Loyalty. As we can see, even if one is from Gryffindor, one can still betray very good friends (Pettigrew). But like in second year, everyone in this house sticks up for one another. They show the greatest amount of loyalty I have ever seen.
Slytherin: Determination. This can be viewed as a positive or negative trait. But I would personally like to look at it as a positive thing. They can take determination to a whole new level. They may not always get what they want no matter how determined they are but you know they tried hard if they wanted it bad enough. If there is one thing you know from this house is that they give all they’ve got and then some because they are just that determined.
12. Where and how would you like to see yourself (job, country) in a few years time? If I can do whatever I wanted and had all the money in the world to do it, I would be in Scotland. I would have my own small little home and be a writer. Living with someone who I trust or by myself. Who better to tell secrets to than yourself and know you won’t tell anyone else? That would be my dream life. To be as far away from my life right now as possible but still doing something I love. I would say my distance with my family is rather a known thing. My parents know, everyone who knows me well enough knows that I’m not a big fan of my family. I know everyone’s got their little family secrets but I just can’t find the strength in me to deal with it. So, I choose to leave. Instead of throwing all of them away, I’ll just go away on my own. It’s the easier and most peaceful thing to do. Otherwise, I think very bad things will happen by my hands.
13. If you were a teacher at Hogwarts, which subject would you teach and why? (Extra thumbs up for original submissions - feel free to invent your own magical subject!) I think I would probably teach a muggle subject like Psychology or Creative Writing. I like dealing with people and creativity. Maybe not both at the same time but I like them both. I’ve always been the shoulder my friends cry on when something happens. I’m always the one to say the words that make them feel better. But I’m also a very hard person to deal with when something bad happens to me and I need a shoulder. Because not many people know the right thing to say. And a simple, ‘it’s going to be alright’ doesn’t suffice with me. Sometimes I need the ‘you messed up but you’ll just have to keep learning from your mistakes or be doomed to repeat them.’ Speech. But I don’t think I’ll be satisfied with dealing with people and their problems either. I’ll need an outlet for the ideas that spill into my head.
14. Would you be a Mudblood, Halfblood or Pureblood, based on your own personality? Give original reasons for this calculation excluding specific House Traits. Hum, I would have no idea. I don’t think that blood makes a person who they are. It’s just blood. What matters is the personality. Which doesn’t stem from blood but from upbringing. So I would say that it either doesn’t matter or that I’m a mudblood because I’m really a muggle now and I’m not about to lie about anything I am or am not.
15. What improvements would you follow through if you were Minister of Magic? I would probably try to let people see that there shouldn’t be a discrimination between anything or anyone. There should be no distance between blood-types. The one thing I cannot stand is discrimination. And I know that I am not pure in this aspect but I’m trying to change. And I think if I’m making this effort, that other’s should too because it will only make this world better to accept everyone and not only one’s who look the same or were brought up the same or whatever.
16. What do you consider your most prominent qualities, either good or bad and why? I’ll give a good and bad quality because one can go without the other. Bad quality, I would say that I have a temper when people look down on me. I know I’m not perfect and some people I know think they are. And this bothers me. I can’t be around people who think they are perfect yet everyone else is not. And I don’t have the patience to be looked down upon and so, I lose my temper. I would probably be rude as the first step because I make it pretty known to people if I don’t like them. I’m not one to pretend I like someone to their face but hate them when their back is turned. I’m more one to just hate to the face if I hate behind their backs. Good, I would have to say that my open-mindedness is a pretty good quality of mine. I like to be known as someone who has an open mind. I can pretty much accept anything that comes my way.
17. If you could change something of the Harry Potter series, what would you want to change? The predictable relationships between genders. It gives the story so much more possibility once you break this barrier. It’s sort of like the first step to unity between everyone. I don’t think the gap between muggles and wizards can ever be bridged but it’s a start to bring in gender unity. And I think it’s hard for a lot of people to see that boys don’t NEED to be with girls just as girls don’t NEED to be with boys. It’s difficult to get people to be like ‘oh, I can fall in love with whoever I want?’ sort of thing. Because love doesn’t have gender restrictions. People don’t need to only fall in love with someone of the opposite sex. People can fall in love with whoever they want to.
18. Do you feel you can and will contribute to this community in an original way? Probably if I’m given a role. It’s harder to contribute when I’m just one of the other’s. And being original is something I love doing and hope I can keep it up for as long as I can.
19. How did you hear of this community? In my friend’s list on a community.
20. Now is your chance: choose a house you would prefer not to be sorted into. (Include rational arguments, though.) This is sort of the hardest question in this whole submission. It’s not like one of the houses is any one I dislike. I find that all of them are good. I’m not saying this to sound all righteous or something. But it’s true. They all have good qualities that, if I distinctly lacked one of them by choice, I would not feel right. It’s not like there are many choices either. There are four and what if what I want isn’t part of the four? Which is the case now. So my answer is none of them. I would not prefer to be outted by any house by choice. But if the question were which house I am least like then I would say Ravenclaw. I am still young and haven’t yet discovered what I want to do with my life yet. Though, I want to be a writer, doesn’t mean I will be one later on. I would be better in Ravenclaw if I were older, probably. When I have all my decisions sorted out and I don’t need to question myself.