1. Your name: Kathryn
2. Your age: 15
3. What makes you get up in the morning? Well, what gets me up most is probably school, which I know is a total nerd-ish thing to say. I don't really like being at home, so going to school where I can talk to friends and chill out makes my day a whole lot better. Another thing that makes me get up in the morning are my rabbits. (VERY cheesy I know!) They are very close to me and can even tell when I'm upset, and they know what I'm happy. It's very cool to be sad or upset and then have your bunny hop into your lap to cuddle with you. It's a nice feeling. :) So that's the first thing I do when I wake up. I go to see my rabbits. *I'm not normally this squee-ish about cute fluffy things, going on about them like a 4 year old. It's only my rabbits*
4. Go to
this website and copy your result into your application.
Big Five Test Results Extroversion (34%) moderately low which suggests you are reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and private.
Accommodation (76%) high which suggests you are overly kind natured, trusting, and helpful at the expense too often of your own individual development (martyr complex).
Orderliness (70%) high which suggests you are overly organized, neat, structured and restrained at the expense too often of flexibility, variety, spontaneity, and fun.
Emotional Stability (42%) moderately low which suggests you are worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious.
Inquisitiveness (64%) moderately high which suggests you are intellectual, curious, imaginative but possibly not very practical.
Take Free Big Five Personality Testpersonality tests by similarminds.com 5. What do you think of either Voldemort or Snape as a character? I believe that Snape is a very complex and hard to understand character. He gives the aura of being "evil" or "bad" but I don't think he's bad through and through. He constantly picks on people on the other houses and seems to enjoy making a fool out of Neville in Potions Class, but he never actually did anything to hurt Harry or his friends. This is shown in the Sorcerer's Stone. Everyone believed that Snape was the one after the stone, especially after seeing the horrible leg wound from "Fluffy". But in the end it turned out the Quirrel, with Voldemort in his body was the one that actually was doing the evil. However, Quirrel wasn't outwardly acting evil. He seemed rather nice in his classes, and stuttered a lot which indicated shyness to me.
6. What are your other passions/ fandoms excluding Harry Potter? I love music!! I play violin and piano, and I am going to be in the pit orchestra for an upcoming show. (Wizard of Oz) I also enjoy going to school and learning, and ever since I was a kid I found that I would rather read a book than watch TV or go to a movie. Another passion I have is distance running. I am on the crosscountry team at my school, and even though my place isn't too good, and my times are horrible, I still love it and try the hardest I can. This year was my first year, anyways. There are always opportunities for improvement. :) Finally (I HAD to add this) I love rabbits. I have 2 of them, named Charlotte and Kiara. Charlotte has an interesting story. HE was misnamed, so he's a male rabbit with a female name! Interesting? Definitely. But he doesn't seem to mind.
7. Who do you relate to most within the Harry Potter series? I think I relate most to Hermione, simply because I love to learn, and I also don't break rules (too often). I also find (as with Hermione) that I am influenced by my friends in both positive and negative ways. She is smart, a little stuckup at times, but she also is faithful to Harry and Ron and doesn't leave them. With me, it's basically the same way (except I don't generally find myself searching for 3-headed dogs named Fluffy!)
8. What is your favourite novel (ex. Harry Potter)? This is a tough one...because I love reading! But my favorite novel that I've recently read is Jane Eyre. I had to read it for school, and I looked at the back cover the first day and I thought, "Wow I'm going to hate this book," but it turns out that it's become one of my favorites! I love Jane as a character, and I can relate to her personality in many aspects.
9. Would you run for prefect or Head Boy/ Girl if you were at Hogwarts? I would probably run for prefect if I was at Hogwarts. I'm pretty shy, and I'm not too good at enforcing rules. When I babysit, I don't generally care what they do with the exception of burning down the house/breaking everything. I find it very hard to say 'no', so being in any position of authority would be a challenge for me. But since I have to choose between prefect and head girl, I choose prefect, being that it's less of of a responsibility.
10. Who is your least favorite character - why? I like every character for something, but if I had to choose one that I didn't like, I would have to choose Draco Malfoy. I know he's the bad guy, and there wouldn't be any excitement without him in the story, but his personality clashes so strongly with mine. I can't stand people who constantly put others down and make generalizations about people based on their background (like him talking about Mudbloods being inferior). But I do have to say in the movie he is quite attractive. :) But as a character, he is my least favorite.
11. What do you consider the key qualities of the four Hogwarts houses? (Describe why you think this and elaborate!)
Gryffindor - In this house, I consider LOYALTY and BRAVERY to be the key qualities because the people sorted here (Harry, Ron, Hermione, and yes, even Neville) are very close to each other and stand up for themselves and their friends. Harry, Ron, and Hermione show this the strongest by fighting the darkest wizard of all time, Voldemort. They work together very well, and don't let any of them fall behind. I even see this very strongly in Neville, who is shy, clumsy, and very forgetful at times. When you see Neville for the first time, words like loyalty and bravery are probably the last words to describe him with, but later on, when he stands up for himself against Harry, Ron, and Hermione (they were sneaking out) it shows that he really cares about them.
Ravenclaw - I've always seen intelligence in this house, as well as organization. Although Hermione would have done well in Ravenclaw, I think that the Sorting Hat put her in Gryffindor because of her ability to connect with people and her loyalty to her house/friends.
Hufflepuff - Compassion and kindness go best with this house. The people here sometimes give me the feeling that they're "too good". They're always very friendly and helpful. People here know how to talk to other people or help others when they need it. They're very social and don't have a lot of problems making friends or getting to know other people.
Slytherin - Independence is something that I think of when I think about Slytherin. Everyone is out for themselves, and I haven't seen an instance in which a Slytherin helped someone out, in the same way that someone in another house (let's say Gryffindor) would help. Pureness of blood is in this house very strong and they believe that mudbloods and halfbloods are inferior to them. They give out a darker aura to me, although I'm sure not all of them are as evil as they appear.
12. Where and how would you like to see yourself (job, country) in a few years time? I would like to see myself as a psychologist, because I am very good at connecting with other people and helping them. I have gone through a lot in my life, and I would love the opportunity to help others who are struggling. My friends constantly call me or talk to me about their problems and they say that I'm good at helping them, or that they just enjoy talking to me. I'm a very social person, once I get to know people, although a first impression might tell you I'm shy.
13. If you were a teacher at Hogwarts, which subject would you teach and why? (Extra thumbs up for original submissions - feel free to invent your own magical subject!) I would love to teach transfiguration. When I read the Harry Potter books for the first time, I was intrigued by the ability to transform objects with the wave of a wand. I am also interested in the ability to transform myself into an animal. If I chose what animal I could be, I would be a rabbit! (totally obvious from a previous question)
14. Would you be a Mudblood, Halfblood or Pureblood, based on your own personality? Give original reasons for this calculation excluding specific House Traits. I would be a halfblood, because in reality I really am a halfblood. My dad is 100% Chinese and my mom is a mixture of different European countries, so I could relate with someone who wasn't completely Pureblood or Mudblood.
15. What improvements would you follow through if you were Minister of Magic? I would probably want to improve muggle-magic interactions since that it is very important to the safety of "our world". Yes, there are many provisions already such as charms that make people forget what they see or the use of portkeys to get from place to place...but it is imperative that muggles know nothing about the magical world. Another thing I would strive to improve is the treatment of elves. I know it may seem like right now I'm just taking the words right out of Hermione's mouth, but I seriously believe that elves are mistreated slaves, and I would want them to be paid workers.
16. What do you consider your most prominent qualities, either good or bad and why? I consider my most prominent (good) qualitites to be the ability to percieve things about other people's personality. I can tell what sort of person someone is by just meeting them briefly. I am very inquisitive and I draw connections from things very quickly and easily. Another quality I have is perserverance. I don't give up on something even if it's really hard at first. I have a good example for this one. This year I started crosscountry for the first time, and after 1st practice I was begging to quit. But as I kept going, I realized that 3 miles isn't all too bad if you can focus on it, and not worry about so many things. Now my times are going down (by 6 minutes!) and I really see myself on this team next year, and for the rest of highschool.
17. If you could change something of the Harry Potter series, what would you want to change? This was a very hard question, and honestly, I don't think I could give a very detailed or interesting answer for it even if I tried. I believe that each of the characters are introduced in their own unique way, and the story flows smoothly.
18. Do you feel you can and will contribute to this community in an original way? Yes I definitely beleive that I can contribute. I'm pretty good with Paint Shop Pro and I could make a bazillion banners/posters. Also, I am very dedicated so I would spend a lot of time with this community.
19. How did you hear of this community? I heard about this community from Lizzy (
ejchristian86) in Hufflepuff.
20. Now is your chance: choose a house you would prefer not to be sorted into. (Include rational arguments, though.)I believe that every house has it's good points and bad points, but since you have asked this question, I would say that I am least likely to enjoy being in Slytherin (apologies to the people sorted here). It's a wonderful house, but I don't fit in with being "pureblood" and I am not for independence and the "every man for himself" ideology. I enjoy being in groups and working together with other people, so that's why I believe that Slytherin wouldn't be the best choice for me.
EDITED: Not all of the text was under the cut!