1. Your name: Grimm (Nickname)
2. Your age: 17
3. What makes you get up in the morning?:
There isn’t much to be frankly honest. The world is a mess, our government is a mess, and my parents named me a really stupid name that everyone makes fun of (Grimma). Society is horrible, people are idiots. The aspect that one day I will change that, well, I guess you can say that is what makes me get up in the morning. Tell myself, just one more day, one more week, and one more year brings me closer to this. Brings me closer to education, brings me closer to talent, brings me closer to something I will do.
4. Go to this website and copy your result into your application.
Big Five Test Results Extroversion (50%) medium which suggests you average somewhere in between being assertive and social and being withdrawn and solitary.
Accommodation (10%) very low which suggests you are overly selfish, uncooperative, and difficult at the expense too often of the well being of others.
Orderliness (62%) moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly organized, neat, structured and restrained at the expense too often of flexibility, variety, spontaneity, and fun.
Emotional Stability (78%) high which suggests you are very relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.
Inquisitiveness (40%) moderately low which suggests you are, at times, overly small minded, traditional, and conventional at the expense of intellectual curiosity, possibility, and progress.
Take Free Big Five Personality Testpersonality tests by similarminds.com 5. What do you think of either Voldemort or Snape as a character?
I think Voldemort bugs me...but doesn’t at the same time. He is a great leader, or else he wouldn’t have gotten so far as he already has. He is wise and responsible and a form of genius, or else he wouldn’t have his name replaced by ‘he-who-shall-not-be-named’. While, he probably has done a lot more than 99% of this world does, that is quite amazing. If only by that view. But then, he is a complete idiot to be foiled and outsmarted by a boy who was twelve, who never really learned magic, and has a charismatic charm and a reputation just as great. Who knows, it’s a balanced equation of hate and respect.
As for Snape, well, I can now say I am thoroughly impressed by his dedication to his side. And again, impressed with how far he has made it. Managed to be able to deceive both ‘he-who-shall-not-be-named’, who is the prior enemy, and manage to fool almost everyone else. Besides us, for obvious reasoning. So, he’s intelligent - needs to take a shower - but intelligent. Sometimes he can be annoying, but again I’m not overly obsessed with him - simply have respect and some small form of admiration.
6. What are your other passions/ fandoms excluding Harry Potter?:
Art. Writing. Filling out applications to pass the time and make my Journal seem useful. Art. Writing. Reading. TV. Video Games. Yaoi Manga.
I have a lot of fandoms, none who really sort you into a certain character so I can’t say interactive on the same level. I really enjoy reading about liberal actions such as the issue of Gay Marriage, etc. I do love series such as Queer As Folk, and everyone’s favorite cynical broken doctor, Dr. House. I enjoy slashing and shounen-ai..ing various characters in all of my many anime and TV and book fandoms. I do enjoy drawing and graphic making. I don’t really like to use the word passions with anything, so this is as close as you will get.
7. Who do you relate to most within the Harry Potter series?
This may seem ridiculously ridiculous, but I would say Blaise Zabini. The only reason is because while we have a shallow surface of information - there is much that isn’t divulged leaving him to our imagination. I’m chunks of everyone, parts of me are like Draco, Snape, Harry, Ginny...no not Ginny, Hermoine, Ron, etc. It’s hard to classify myself as EXACTLY like someone in the series, since I have many sets of pre-made personalities, etc etc. So I’m going to go with Blaise, since we don’t know much, and like me, you don’t know much either.
8. What is your favourite novel (ex. Harry Potter)?
Choke. Hence my username. Choke and Fight Club. The way they are written with heavy sarcasm and a sense of realism that I can easily relate too. I can somehow relate myself with the same characters in both these books, the train of thought and the actions that follow them. Where were these books in the last question.
9. Would you run for prefect or Head Boy/ Girl if you were at Hogwarts?
I might. There is no reason not too, there is a lot of things I hate about the way my current grade is run, and if I had some sort of way to control that then, why not.
10. Who is your least favorite character - why?
Ugh. I hate every character at one point or another. They regain my like, but I still hate them. I’m going to however, join the ranks of the Ron and Neville. Ron because while he did make himself a name, he was quite the annoying leech of Harry’s fame, then goes on to start complaining about it. It's as if he targeted Harry to make friend's with him, just so he can make something out of himself. And then goes on and gets mad because he is always the sidekick. What do you think will happen? And a bit because he is REALLY close-minded at some points, and he just acts a bit ignorant at times. It gets, overly, overly annoying. He is a bit overly emotional on things, that really don’t need people to be emotional - causing the situation to escalade for the worst. I hate Neville, well though he tries you can’t help but hate the kid who kind of ruins everything for you. He needs to just...stop, stop. Try not to be clumsy, try not to fail. It’s as if he leeches off it for his own reputation - “hey, I’ll be known as the failure!”. True, everyone will know you, but...no.
11. What do you consider the key qualities of the four Hogwarts houses? (Describe why you think this and elaborate!)
Gryffindor - Passion and Emotion. What else causes bravery and the same rush into things attitude? Without passion and empathy I can’t see how you will be brave as you can in the moment of pressure and stress. Though, the same things cause them to be blind and a bit unsympathetic to those who views are different.
Hufflepuff - Wow probably the best house. Seriously, you can walk in here and probably be automatically accepted anytime, anywhere. Which, again is probably annoying as well but great when you’re feeling worthless. These guys will cheer your right up. Which, again, is bad since they are easily able to be walked all over and the likes. They are probably to trusting and too nice, which might end up against them. They aren’t stupid like most say, just to readily easy to give people the benefit of the doubt. Which, again is really rare. REALLY. Rare in today’s world.
Ravenclaw - Intelligent and creative. Somehow they find the greatest pleasure in solving only the few can. They are intelligent and usually have the right answer to everything. I like to believe they fear large crowds and, in some form, power. They are smart enough to know that with power mostly comes a bigger downfall. Which makes them so different.
Slytherin - Take a bit of each house and mix them in a whole big pot. Add a dash of cynicism, a pinch of realist, a handful of ambition and there we go. Oh. Add a slice of different perspective with each serving. To be a Slytherin is to somehow balance all the combination of every house and maintain them. You need to rush into certain situations with the Gryffindor passion, but balance it out with the realistic and analytical view of the Ravenclaw. You need the way to gain attention and become the center of attention like a Hufflepuff can, but not grow any strings attached. You are in the middle of everything. Slytherins want to get to the top without being noticed, and know the downfall is completely worth the moment of being remembered forever.
12. Where and how would you like to see yourself (job, country) in a few years time?
I won’t be stable. In a few years I’ll be traveling the world, learning of different cultures and how different people act. There are a lot of things I want to learn that I can’t in college. Life experience is a necessity. So I’ll be around the world. Eventually settle down in possible Japan or Europe. The possibility in there for artists and other things are just amazing. Amazing. Plus, Japan is so efficient that...just damn. They put America to shame.
13. If you were a teacher at Hogwarts, which subject would you teach and why?
(Extra thumbs up for original submissions - feel free to invent your own magical subject!): I don’t really have a preference. I cannot stand being a teacher. There is too much involved for too little reciprocation. You barely remember any of your teachers, besides one - when they all spent years and tons of effort teaching you. It’s hard to impact a person that much. And you grow tired of the same thing year after year. The same students, the same...
14. Would you be a Mudblood, Halfblood or Pureblood, based on your own personality?
Give original reasons for this calculation excluding specific House Traits. Based on me as a person. Pureblood. Technical definition. Both my parents are of the same race (both parents are from the same place...I’m 2nd/3rd generation.) Personality wise, I think it’s really stupid when people are so...I guess so biased to only inbreed. I do understand that point of view - heavily stereotyping and that most of the times certain people of a certain heritage end up that way. I even practice that form a lot. But today, many times mixing races provides a better outcome period. Take example someone that is Hapa. Half Japanese and half White. First of all, they usually end up REALLY goddamn handsome/pretty, secondly they will have the same work ethic of a typical Asian that you are accustomed too, and the same charismatic and personality that usually white people have. Only to be stereotyping. Now, I find that a let better than the alternative of a really stupid, yet popular person, and a extremely smart but extremely antisocial and don’t have the charisma to get jobs that might make them a ton of more money that a researcher might do. Yeah. Don’t yell at me for racism, because I bet at one point of your life you even practiced it too. Best way to show my example.
15. What improvements would you follow through if you were Minister of Magic? [info]straycatstruts
I think, like all governments, it needs to start over. Simple. There are a lot of things that the ministry controls. There is a lot that probably wizards don’t know about that they control. Again, we don’t know much about the ministry, so yeah. As for my job as Minister, I assume the current system works well enough. If wizards somehow learned the technology that muggles knows, chaos would ENSUE. Which, can or can’t be bad depending on the point of view. I do think that the muggle involvement is just enough, and that their two worlds should stay separate. Basically there isn’t much to change - for the better as far as I can see. Maybe I would just screw everyone over just for fun. Maybe... Well there is a lot I will change, but I don’t think it’s possible through being the Minister of Magic.
16. What do you consider your most prominent qualities, either good or bad and why?
Is there a limit? A minimum? I thought this is what the test we took above was for. That basically sums up all of my qualities. I’m at both times emotionally detached and emotionally involved. I respect my privacy and yet I let enough out for people to see. I’m a paradox essentially.
17. If you could change something of the Harry Potter series, what would you want to change?
Well. I’m quite content about the series right now. If I do change anything about it, it wouldn’t really be Harry Potter now, more like a creation of fanfiction. Just to be a bit serious, I would love to see Harry and Draco get together. Yes. Other than that, any further development into things might just change it into a series of textbooks, rather than a series of fiction. True there are some parts I’m declassified with, but I’m sure that it shall be cleared in due time, and while I wish they were more in-depth, it’s not exactly necessary enough to make a whole other book for.
18. Do you feel you can and will contribute to this community in an original way?
I can bring in my own certain perspective and views of houses when I vote - and maybe show others the same as well. I do have some variety of ideas that usually spring upon me at the last minute so it’s quite hard to predict them now. Either way you can use more members and whatever ideas I have should be a bonus.
19. How did you hear of this community?
harrydraco 20. Now is your chance: choose a house you would prefer not to be sorted into. (Include rational arguments, though.)
There is none I really don’t prefer to be sorted into. I find myself to be a small combination of all houses.