peppermint frogs

Oct 07, 2005 23:47

1. Your name:


2. Your age:


3. What makes you get up in the morning?

That's a hard question, because sometimes I don't really want to get up in the morning, but I know I have to. I think what make's me get up the most is the fact that I need to go to work, to survive. With out going to work, I’d have no money to support my self. Another reason is my family, I could choose to make it where I would never rise again. But the fact that I have people who I adore and love, they are worth waking up for every morning. I know that probably sounded corny as hell, but it's true. Other times I just wish my life was a snooze button that I could constantly push, but don't we all have days like that?

4. Go to this website and copy your result into your application.

Big Five Test Results Extroversion (28%) low which suggests you are very reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and private.
Accommodation (58%) moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly kind natured, trusting, and helpful at the expense of your own individual development (martyr complex).
Orderliness (46%) medium which suggests you are moderately organized, structured, and self controlled while still remaining flexible, varied, and fun.
Emotional Stability (52%) medium which suggests you average somewhere in between being calm and resilient and being anxious and reactive.
Inquisitiveness (58%) moderately high which suggests you are intellectual, curious, imaginative but possibly not very practical.
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5. What do you think of either Voldemort or Snape as a character?

I honestly adore Voldemort and Snape both. I've caught a lot of flack for it, because I always seem to choose the bad guys to follow. I always believe there is this hidden depth that other people are not seeing, I don't know why. Most people see Voldemort as this evil, sadistic bastard. But I think there is more to him, and if hey would just reveal it, everyone else would like him too. Snape I think is just this misunderstood adult that had such a shitty adolescent life that he just can't seemed to get past it. I envision Snape as being like all those high school kids that go on a rampage you know? So I just get this odd feeling that, all he would really need is someone that understood him.

6. What are your other passions/ fandoms excluding Harry Potter?

I'm very well read, and I have a massive collection of books. So reading is one of my favorite passions. I also love to write, and when I need to get my mind off things, I will ether pick up a book, or start writing something. I have a ton of fandom's that I'm behind. Though I guess after Harry Potter, I would say my 2nd favorite is Lord of the Rings. I also enjoy Star Wars, Lost, Queer as Folk, Prison Break, and a bunch more. But Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter are my favorite.

7. Who do you relate to most within the Harry Potter series?

Honestly, I've never really put too much thought into that. I really think I relate the most with Luna. Luna is clearly misunderstood, but she set's her own path in life. She doesn't give a damn what anyone thinks of her, and she does what make's her happy. She has this amazing attitude, and realizes that people talk about her, make fun of her behind her back, and she doesn't care. I get the impression that she's like "Screw you world, take me as I am, or don't take me at all." You know? I think she's brilliant.

8. What is your favourite novel (ex. Harry Potter)?

Porno By Irvine Welsh. I'm a huge fan of his work, and I own every book that he has ever written. But Porno is just one of his best works. It's the sequel to Trainspotting, and it's just full of dry wit and humor. It's a book that once you start reading it, you cannot put it down. It's a bit hard to follow, if you've never read any of Irvine books before, because of the scottish lingo, but it's an amazing read. It pretty much takes place 10 years after trainspotting, and show's how none of them has changed. I recommend this book to anyone, hell, I recommend all his books. If you've never read him before, you should check him out.

9. Would you run for prefect or Head Boy/ Girl if you were at Hogwarts?

Oh my god no. For one I wouldn't even make a good prefect or Head Girl, hah. Well for one, I doubt anyone would even offer it to me. I'm good at being a student, but I can be a huge slacker when it comes to anything else. Plus the fact that I would more then likely end up in more trouble then anything, so I would be too busy spending my time in dention to do any of the duties that are required of you. I mean I'm the supervisor at my work, and I get the job done, and everyone loves working for me. But I sometimes have to wonder, why in the hell they gave me the job.

10. Who is your least favorite character - why?

Hermoine Granger. I can't really say why I truly dislike her, but there is something off about her. I don't loath her or anything of the sort, I just don't really care for her. If that make's any sense? I don't think it's because she's a know it all or anything like that, there is just something about her, that I don't like. I honestly can't even explain it.

11. What do you consider the key qualities of the four Hogwarts houses? (Describe why you think this and elaborate!)

Pretty much the basics that they explain in the book. The Gryffindor's key qualities is bravery. I mean they know what they are fighting for, and they are willing to fight for it, no matter what the consequences are. They stand up for what they believe in, and are not willing to back down. That's an amazing quality to have. The Hufflepuff's are loyal, and you need loyalty in life. You need to have someone you can fall back on, someone you can trust. If you don't have that trust, then how can you live your life? You need someone you can depend on, and someone you know is loyal to you, and that they know you are just as loyal back. The Ravenclaw's are intelligent. You need intelligence in life, obviously. Yes, I believe that common sense is one of the things you need most in life, but book smarts is a close second. You need a sharp, clever mind to survive in life, and the Ravenclaw's have that. I mean, people with inelegance are not one's to give up ether, they will search and search until they find what they need. The Slytherin are cunning, and in the world we are living in today, you need that. It's an kill or be killed world out there. I know that I stated that you need loyalty in life, and I hate the fact that I shall contradict my self a bit on this, but you need to be cunning as well. Because not everyone is loyal in life, and you will be stabbed in the back. But you need to have the ability to stab right back. I think that's why I like the Slytherin the most. Sure they can be arrogant, and cruel. But they will make it in this world, even if they have to do it in the non traditional way. They seek power, but who in this world hasn't wished to be powerful? I hope that makes sense, it made sense in my head, but well, it might not make sense in anyone else's.

12. Where and how would you like to see yourself (job, country) in a few years time?

I would love to see my self in a different job that I am at now. The job I have right now, is just that, a job. I would love to have a career, maybe go to college and become a nurse like I had planned so many years ago. I sometimes don't see my self in Ohio anymore, maybe moving back down south, where I truly belong. I use to see my self married with kids, but even now I don't put much thought into that picture, because I truly don't see my self as being ready for all of that yet. I just know that where as I'm not unhappy in the life that I have right now, I’d like it to be a lot better. Less drama for a change. My life this last year has been a ball of stress, and I'd love for it to calm down.

13. If you were a teacher at Hogwarts, which subject would you teach and why? (Extra thumbs up for original submissions - feel free to invent your own magical subject!)

I would teach Care of Magical Creatures. I love all creatures, and have a huge downfall for them. I would so be like Hagrid. I would take care of any stray creature that showed up at my door, no matter how dangerous. Because despite what they are, every creature needs love, and I have a huge heart for all creatures like that. I'm sure I would be a lot like Hagrid as well when it came to classes, I would probably pick the more dangerous of creatures to show to the class, because I look past the bad and see the good in every creature. Seriously, I’d be perfect for the job, and that's not arrogance talking. I just have a huge heart when it comes to them.

14. Would you be a Mudblood, Halfblood or Pureblood, based on your own personality? Give original reasons for this calculation excluding specific House Traits.

Honestly, despite the fact that I have the dark mark tattooed on my left forearm. I would have to say half-blood. I am truly a mix between a Pureblood and Mudblood. I can be down right snobby with the best of them, and I'm not going to lie, I probably have thought my self better then someone else. But there is a part of me also that looks past all that label bull, and see's a person for who they really are. Who doesn't care what family they belong to, and how much money they have. I won't lie and say that I'm not materialistic, because I can be. Despite the fact that I have Pureblood traits, I don't believe in any form of segregation, or really what Voldemort is pushing for, genocide. I don't wish for anyone to die just because they are not like me, so despite my dark mark tattoo, I couldn't kill innocent people just because they are not like me. I care too much for other people.

15. What improvements would you follow through if you were Minister of Magic?

I think it's pretty much like basic politics today. There are plenty of things that I would love to change about the world today, but there are plenty of things that I feel should stay the same. Though if one thing I could change it would be the laws on Werewolves. I truly despise the idea of Werewolf Code of Conduct, and think it truly unfair that Werewolves and think they should have equal rights like everyone else.

16. What do you consider your most prominent qualities, either good or bad and why?

Deep down I'm a good person, and I'm an amazing listener. I'm the type of person that will put aside all my problems, to listen to other peoples. Despite how bad my life is at the time, I'm always there for someone else. Sometimes that can be a bad thing, putting your problems behind other peoples. But it helps me get passed my own, if that make's any sense. I'm a firm believer in the fact that, sure my life may seem like crap, but there are plenty of people out there that have it off a lot worse then me, so I should be thankful. That's why I’m quick to be there for anyone else that needs me. I think also that I bring a lot to the table (there's that arrogance again I’m sure). What I mean by that is, I can bring you laughter, because I like to make people laugh. I love putting a smile on someone else's face. I can bring you witty conversation, because when it comes down to things, I love to have in-depth conversations. Wether it be about what we think the outcome of a story should be or Politics, or even philosophy. I love to sit down have a conversation with a person, where I can lean back and just "think". Let my mind wonder, and ingest the many brilliant things you are saying, then offer up my own suggestions and thoughts. I am also loyal to the bone. I will stand up for anyone that I respect and love in their time of need. But if your un-loyal to me, then I can be your worst enemy as well. But to pretty much round me off, I'm the type of person that will give my last dollar to someone that needs it more then I do. I'm the type of person that would give the clothing off my back, if you needed it more. But if you stab me in my back, then I'll probably be quick to stab you in yours. I'm the best friend you'll ever have, or the worst enemy. There is no in-between for me. I'm easy to like, but I'm easy to hate as well. But that's just me, you ether take it or leave. That's how it's always been for me.

17. If you could change something of the Harry Potter series, what would you want to change?

I honestly don't think there is much I would change. I know some people feel that Sirius shouldn't have died, or Dumbledore for that matter. But in all honesty, it had to be done. Harry's father was killed, then his godfather was killed, and now another father like figure is taking from his life. He needs that anger to be able to get the job done. For the killing curse to work you have to WANT it to work, the intent has to be there. Look at how Harry let wormtail go, he still has a heart. When it all comes down to it, who says he could truly kill Voldemort, because if he was that sort of person, he would have let Sirius and Remus kill Peter. Harry is too good, and I truly think he needs to loose almost everything before he can do it. I think that maybe someone else close to him will die in book 7 that will finally push him over the edge, and be able to kill Voldemort. I think the one thing that I would change was the way she introduced Harry/Ginny in HBP. I mean Harry never had any feelings for Ginny other then a sister, and then "wham" she was everything he ever wanted? Come on. I think she should have worked into it more carefully. I don't disagree with Harry/Ginny, but I truly think it seemed all too rushed. Honestly he seemed more like he was leaning toward Luna then anyone else. But that's the only thing I would have changed. The whole "love" stuff just seemed too far fetched.

18. Do you feel you can and will contribute to this community in an original way?

Of course I do, though I don't have as much spare time as I would like. I do spend some of my spare time on the computer, and most of it's dedicated toward LJ and my fandoms. I'm always around if someone needs me, and I have a good idea from time to time. SO I know that I'll contribute to the best of my abilities, and possibly then some.

19. How did you hear of this community?

It was at another lj community, harrydraco if I remember correctly. By a post from rosacrouch.

20. Now is your chance: choose a house you would prefer not to be sorted into. (Include rational arguments, though.)

I honestly don't think that there is anything house that I wouldn't want to be sorted into. I have a little bit of each house in me. I have the courage of a Gryffindor, I have the ready mind of a Ravenclaw, I have the cunningness of a Slytherin, and I have the loyalty of a Hufflepuff. So I don't think that there is any house that I would be ashamed of being in.
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