
Feb 01, 2023 15:52

Everything was too easy and I should have known something was coming - while I completely expected I would get nailed at some point for my overstepping in the office, the Branch Manager couldn't get me for my performance so she went deeper - apparently having sat on my licensing application for the last four months so the promotion, the billable hours I had as of last year, are not valid.  All those extra hours and time...she got me ... she got me good.  Points for ingenuity for sure! I was so angry! but the kicker is this, I know my loyalty remains with Bossman and the company, my team and this branch, so I accepted the hit and talked to our previous supervisor who advised she most certainly submitted the documentation, she's angry on MY behalf, and to go to our rep.  She also advised me to look at Workday and confirm there are no outstanding documents for reviews "just in case" which I did.

I then emailed the team this morning including a colleague who works in this branch, but technically belongs to another, trusting her given she wants to remain here to do same so they are not blind sided too for a missing document, etc.  What does the girl do who wants to remain here? copy the Branch manager asking if she should do this...who of course, emailed me, blasting me asking why I requested it of the staff, and that SHE is the person to come to with any questions.

I left a bland response stating I was looking out for the team, to ensure their reviews went smoothly, and there are no surprises.  Branch Manager proceeded to say there are no issues with the branch and SHE is the one to discuss this with.

I think it's time I bow out of trying.  I was protecting the team to ensure they didn't get hurt the way I was (noting I did not bring up the other supervisor in the email or why I wanted them all to review their own Workday) but it bit me because I trusted the "temporary worker within this branch despite her acknowledgments of wanting to stay here"...this is on me, and a lesson learned for sure.  People, including our old supervisor, would have gotten hurt very badly had I chosen to word my email request differently.  I don't care that Branch Manager wants me under a bus, I care the team doesn't suffer.  This girl could have really damaged the team members here.  Complete lesson learned.

I changed my Netflix password.  I had warned my niece I was going to February 1, and I think she thought I was kidding but I do not see why my aunt Janey should still benefit from me - it's been a year, and I admit my mistakes fully but I paid for them, both emotionally and financially.  I paid her half a months extra rent, together with what I drank from her, and I've continued to pay for Netflix for a year thereinafter, and I shouldn't have to KEEP paying.  She's not very kind regardless and refuses to take any responsibility at all for her own actions so why should I continue on? Sure enough, within hours, my niece calls me (noting despite giving her a free, expensive Coach purse, messaging as often as permits without being intrusive, her and my nephew literally never say anything to me) asking about it.  She said she understood, and agreed 150%, and that she would explain it to my nephew...For only a second I felt bad but I am not a kicking post.  Janey talks about how fantastic she is, such a martyr, tells everyone everything making herself the hero, so she can be the hero again and pay for her own Netflix given I will be considered ungrateful, and selfish, and no one will ever know what *I* did to help HER or fix damage.  She IS perfect, you know.

I told my niece I'd think about giving her and my nephew the new pass, but at this time, it isn't fair to me.  She said she understood - and even if she doesn't, not my issue at the moment.  I have bigger fish to fry.

Bossman fired a client today.  He had talked about it, even told said client off at one point as he was sick of the micromanagement and has wanted to cut back on files for a while to slow down into semi-retirement.  I am relieved - this client is a large one for sure but also quite demanding, somewhat rude/crass, and acts as though they are our only client (very much untrue), and while it will be a financial loss in a sense, we have much larger, profitable, and capable clients - Bossman's view was that it will give us time to focus on better, newer things, and to teach more.  I concur!!! I cannot wait for the experience.

The office building has a week free for the gym - a wellness week.  I decided to take advantage of it to force myself back into working out at my own gym.  I had not gone to my own from the point I broke my foot in October, onward.  I have absolutely no excuse now given the free week and it's being used as a crutch to get back into the swing of things and so far, it's Wednesday, and I've already gone twice.  I will go again tomorrow taking a break today working out weights at home, and with any luck things will improve physically.

Leaving in ten minutes...

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