Sep 29, 2014 16:22
What a crazy few days, but it's here. In 32 days I will be 33. I cannot believe how fast the time has gone and how little I've accomplished. I brought up to a friend of mine that I felt like I was in limbo. What have I accomplished? she told me not to think that way because if I did that then I would be going backwards. Instead, concentrate on forwards. Really I haven't done awful - look what I was given to work with? I could have done better but I think I am okay and with the exception of massive financial issues I am actually not off half bad. I imagine we'll get through this nightmare and all will be well.
It was a beautiful and productive day because my one boss wasn't in, the other wasn't until after lunch, so I managed to plug off 90% of the little things I should have done Friday when I thought I had some time. However, that plan fell through when the one boss who is rarely ever in gave me a STACK of things to do. This morning made up for it.
We had an uneventful evening but for our argument Saturday. Greg went to Niejadlik's on Friday night and stayed which is fine, however, admittedly my attitude when he returned Saturday wasn't pleasant as he was three hours late, anticipation of his changed "persona" after an evening with his best friend, I set him up in my head to ACT like Niejadlik as well. Sure enough the true colors rang out in the evening when he insulted my close friend for no reason whatsoever. I let him have it, because I knew he would do this and he apologized. It's the oddest thing when he stays there...he "acts" like Adam the next's so annoying! I asked him if another friend of ours were to say some of the things that Adam has said to me (while Greg was there no less) what he would do? and he had a blank stare because for some odd reason that guy has this sway over him and he starts to BE like him. I don't want that and I will walk away. He knows it; if I wanted to date Adam, I would. Since I dislike him and how he acts, I don't.
We gave our notice for December 15 but are awaiting confirmation because the landlord may let us go on the first. I hope so because I am super sick and tired of this apartment. We have to go home and clean out the storage closet today and clean the house because landlord is coming to fix our broken washing machine tomorrow night while we are out.
This year for my birthday all I wanted was a divorce. That was the goal. It isn't going to happen now, and Greg is insisting on getting me a gift (why a divorce isn't a gift I don't know, but we agreed that given the car payments are up in February and I will have an excess amount of money for a while that we can do it then) so, I have advised that providing he keeps within our birthday budget, I want the promise ring he was supposed to get me. It won't be a lot but it's the one thing that I have wanted forever and he has agreed. When I went to give him advice on it, he gave me a blank stare - it's his gift to me, therefore my nose must be out of it.
I feel fat. Moving on.
The campaign is going strong for my Ma and step dad, otherwise known as dad. It's unfortunate however that some people in my family refuse to put up a sign. I.E. Greg's twin brother who, wouldn't you know it? can't put one up for his rental purposes. Took him a week to tell me his landlord won't allow him. Why am I not surprised? I am not stupid - I think he didn't ask, nor did he want to, so he lied. Which is fine. Whatever, I knew he wouldn't. Janey, my aunt from the dutch side, sure enough put one up on her lawn. So have two of my friends. So as my Ma said "we can always count on our awesome friends but for some reason our family just doesn't pull through".. she didn't mean all family but it's somewhat close to the mark.
That brings up another subject I have issue with. Greg's family. At some point in time we have to discuss sounds pressure filled and maybe it's just me (scratch that, it IS just me) but I feel like when I talk to his cousins and aunts and uncles and family..that there is this piece missing. Like I am "just the gf" and maybe aren't privy to the same attachment everyone else gets. Maybe it's because his cousin Daniel and his girlfriend Danielle just got a house together...maybe that's in part my current "you're getting old what are you doing with your life" mentality has sprung up, but i feel ... the same as i have for years. That simply sucks.