Oct 09, 2010 23:34
Yesterday I woke up at 6:30 AM so I could shower and get ready for my S.A.T.'s. It was a long, time consuming test and I hated it, but I feel pretty confident about it. :)
After I got home around 1 (took 5 hours), Mike took me to Ocean City to see a car show. I played skee-ball, took pictures, laughed my ass off, and had a lot of fun with my brother. Mike and I don't usually get alone, so it was really nice to finally laugh with him.
Today I woke up around 12 and hung out with Dale at the park. I love that boy. :)
Funny part:
He slipped a ring in my hands and just smiled at me, and I was like, "Where'd you get this?" He just laughed and was like, "You remember when I told you I got in trouble with my friend for burglary last summer?" I hoped he was joking, but I didn't bother to ask again. It's a cute ring, with an aquamarine stone. The chances of him stealing a ring with my exact birthstone? I think he bought it honestly.
Either way, I love that boy.