Jun 08, 2006 13:01
Beth Brannon Level 06
Our Country and Politics
This country we live in, this powerful, strong United States of America. Has it always been so powerful? Always so strong? Of course not. Over time this country has not only grown in size, but in power, in strength, and in wisdom. A lot has happened in history that makes this country able to stand head so high.
In the 1800’s there was an expansion east. This started trade over seas. Little did the world know what an impact this expansion would make. In 1844 treaty of Wanghia was passed. This meant that in China the United States would be treated best. Now the United States wanted to trade with Japan. They didn’t think this was going to be easy. Then commodore Matthew Perry allied Japanese with ships bigger than any they had ever seen. He ended up securing the treaty of Kanagawa in 1854. This opened two ports for ships from the United States.
After Civil war, William H. Seward bought Alaska. It was expensive, and the United States was in debt $3 billion dollars. He still thought this would be a good investment, and help out the debt. He was correct. This ice box gave them gold from Yukon Valley, and since 1897 has paid for itself many times over.
When steamboats started being powered by coal, there was an obvious need for coal everywhere. American Navy tried to set up a protectorate over Samoan Islands, and failed, wanting coal. They slowly evaded war over Samoa. Germany, Great Britain and the United States met in Berlin in 1889. They agreed to establish a joint protectorate. 10 years later Great Britain withdrew. The islands were divided between Germany and the US.
Secretary of state, Blaine, aimed to capture trade with the south. In Chile, October 1891, American sailors on shore left from the cruiser Baltimore. They were attacked by a mob on the streets of Valparaiso. Two sailors killed, 18 injured. On January 25, 1892, President Harrison sent a message that declared war on Chile. When eight cruisers were ready to attack, Chile yielded and decided to apologize. They agreed to pay damages to families.
During the 1890’s Senator Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts called for a bigger navy, the annexation of Hawaii, a canal across the Isthmus of Panama, and the purchase of the Danish West Indies. 1891, in Hawaii Queen Liliuokalani tried to shake off control of American settlers. In January 1893 Harrison administration overthrew the Queen. The new pro- America government drew up a treaty of annexation. It was not passed before Harrison left office. Cleveland withdrew the treaty to annex Hawaii. After the Spanish American war happened, Hawaii was finally annexed by joint resolution of congress in July 1898.
In 1823 John Quincy Adams called Cuba a natural appendage of the North American continent. In 1868 after the Civil war, rebels in Cuba began agitating for independence. It wasn’t until 1895 when Cuban rebels declared for independence. The Spanish government sent in troops. Cuban rebels were tortured. Innocent men, women and children including some United States citizens were herded together to die of disease and starvation.
In 1895 the rebels destroyed American sugar plantations and mills. On February 9th 1898, the New York journal printed a stolen letter. It was a Spanish ambassador, Dupuy de lome, he had written that President McKinley was “weak and bitter for the admiration of the crowd, besides being a would-be politician who tries to leave a door open behind him while keeping on good terms with the jingoes of his party”. Americans were angered by his insults. To protect Americans a battleship named “Main” was sent to Havana Harbor. It was shattered by an explosion. 260 officers and men were killed. Yellow Press called for war against Spain. On February 25th the secretary of Navy took the afternoon off. Roosevelt was in charge. In those few hours with out consent from anyone, he ordered to have ships ready for sea.
The government of Spain now told them they would give Cuba its independence. It was too late. The Yellow Press wanted to see Spanish blood. They wanted this battle to happen. On April 11, the day after President McKinley learned Spain would agree to do everything Americans wanted. He declared war anyway.
The war lasted only a few months but this was long enough to create great confusion. On may 1 commodore George Dewey, under Roosevelt’s orders, attacked the Spanish warships in the Philippines, and finished them off in 7 hours.
Roosevelt named himself lieutenant colonel of a new regiment of cavalry. He gathered cowboys, sheriffs, desperados, from the west and some playboy polo players and steeple chase riders from the east. June 22 Roosevelt’s rough riders arrived in Cuba. They walked on foot up Sanjuan hill. After a bloody fight they reached the top. When the Spanish fleet tried to run to sea the US navy sank every one of their war ships. Over all there were 385 battle deaths. The Spanish American war lasted only 4 months. Defeated Spain gave up to the United States an empire of islands. All were outside the continent. The US acquired Puerto Rico at the gateway to the Caribbean long with Guam, the Philippine islands.
The Filipinos did not want to be ruled by the US. They fought against the Americans. Guerrilla warfare lasted 3 years. April 1902 Philippines officially declared “pacified”. This war had helped return prosperity to the United States. The United States was now running colonial empire. April 20, 1898- The feller Amendment was attached to congress war resolution. It pledged that the US would not exercise sovereignty over Cuba. Still US troops didn’t leave. The United States wanted certain assurances before it would with draw its army from Cuba. Cuba must make no treaties with foreign powers that would limit its independence. It should permit any foreign power to acquire Cuban territory. Cuba should sell or lease to the US land for coaling or naval stations. Cuba should not contract debts whose interest could not be met out of current revenues. Finally Cuba should allow the US to step in whenever necessary. All of these were put into a Platt Amendment. It became a permanent treaty with Cuba in 1903. Puerto Rico willingly came under the rule of the US.
These are some f the events that have gone down in history that made quite and impact on today’s world. If you ever wonder how America is so strong these are some of the reasons why. We have fought and fought over years for what we wanted. In the end we won mostly all. Other countries fear America; this is why we walk heads held high.