Jun 07, 2006 17:20
Beth Brannon Level 06
“Saving Private Ryan”
Saving Private Ryan is a movie about WWII. It shows many different battles and hardships. The reason it is called “Saving Private Ryan” is because the conflict in this entire movies is all about trying to save Private Ryan. He is one of four brothers, All three of his brothers were killed at war. His mother is going to get three notices of death on one day. The government decides they want to find Ryan and send him home for his mother. This is what they try to do.
The film makers are trying to show us how real World War II was. How brutal and sad it was. I believe they were successful enough, I think they were a bit off at a few scenes but other than that it was good. I actually did learn a lot from this movie. Seeing the battle scenes and actually watching the blood shed and the amount of people who died was horrible. It gives me a different view of the war. The way I think of it id so much smaller compared to what it actually was. One thing that Captain John H. Miller did that I thought was neat was when he used the mirror to find where enemies who were attacking were located.
I didn’t understand that entire point of Saving Private Ryan. There was a war going on. A war to be fought and these men are risking their lives to save one soldier. Why does Ryan get this special treatment? Because his brother died? Of course he going to be hurt and his mother distraught, but this is war. I really liked the actual battles. They were pretty good, with the acting. The first battle on the beach was the best one. It was so real looking. Some parts were really gruesome. I also liked the camera they used made the film look old even though the movie took place not to long ago.
I did not like that at some points I felt like this wasn’t the way it actually was. If I was a veteran or knew someone who was, I would like to have there opinion on this movie. I would like to know if this is really how is happened. I also didn’t like that the whole movies was to save one man, yes that’s nice of them but go fight your war.
My favorite character in this movie was Captain John H Miller. I tend to like Captains. They are always the strong ones. The one in charge. They keep it all together. My least favorite character was probably Ryan. He was hardly in the movie at all but he is still a character. The whole time they are risking there lives for this man, they didn’t even know if he was still alive. Not all events portrayed in this movie seemed accurate to me. My favorite scene was the first battle because it was so brutal but I don’t think that’s how it actually was, that battle was a little over done. Just by what I have read and learned about WWII. I know it was harsh and bloody but that scene was extreme. Either way I felt the movie was really good. It was long, it taught a lot about WWII. I enjoyed it.