Not a car loan. A loan from work, paid back to work. Which I would feel compelled to have settles before being able to contemplate going elsewhere.
The current talking was to have it just taken directly out of check in small sum over extended period of time, as it doesn't matter to them how long iot takes to pay it back as long is it does.
And given the time frame being talked about it would fit with the Kittens 3 year grad school talk. As I don't for see being able to make extra pay,ents to it with bills being higher. Bills being higher with kitten far away and my need to have things covered here solamente.
Comments 6
Also, very much glad to hear that you two are talking and things are improving!!
The current talking was to have it just taken directly out of check in small sum over extended period of time, as it doesn't matter to them how long iot takes to pay it back as long is it does.
And given the time frame being talked about it would fit with the Kittens 3 year grad school talk. As I don't for see being able to make extra pay,ents to it with bills being higher. Bills being higher with kitten far away and my need to have things covered here solamente.
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