Feeelin' Philosopical. It is always the lat place you look, because afterwards you don't need to look for it. Unless, you aren't quite sure what it is.....Have you npticed and appreciated how beautiful people are, even complete strangers. I read a journal today that just lite my soul ablaze. It made me realise how lucky I am to be married to, given birth to, and be friends with the people I know. To each have their own diffrent quality that just fills me with joy. To think, I almost suceeded in starving myself 2 years ago. I am grateful for the rennisance bunny that took me to his home and fed me burger with dr. pepper sauteed onions.
Well, bout time I post here again, my life. Gabriel likes to watch me type and watch the computer screen change. Yep, that is Allen's kid, loving to watch the computer for hours. I am sure by the time he is 2 he could built his own server. These days he is smiling more than ever, Gabriel not Allen. Allen needs a boost in confidence about Gabriel. The poor baby is stuck on me like glue and Allen doesn't realise how strong that is. Hell I can't even sleep without the baby on my chest. He freaks if his momma isn't right infront of him and if i go to the store without him he will be fussy for thye next 2 days and extra clingy, i can't even put him down. I am the master of holding a baby with one hand and typing with which everone is free.
I haven't typed in awhile because Gabriel has been sick. Turns out he is lactos intorant. Poor baby has been constipated since birh. I went throught some nasty slep deprivation last week. I guess the body can't run on 2 hours of sleep. By saturday it was so bad I could speak or comprehend corerectly. My motor skill were shot. I was dizzy and had vlurred vision. I SAW CARTOON BUNNIES BEHIND MY EYELIDS! Anywho, I am feeling better, I am getting 4 hours these days.
Everyones favorite Fairy Godmother, GOD-TUFFY!