The Lists...

Nov 17, 2007 14:00

So, I decided last night that sometimes you just have to be an idiot and pretend your 20 years old. So what did we do, went to a house party and duct taped 40s to our hands. Then played a little beer pong, which Courtney and I won our round.

While at Eat n Park later on Courtney decided to play the If you could have any famous person who would it be then we did our Top 5 Girls and Guys. It was really interested to hear who the guys would pick for their top 5's haha. Also, I don't know how Sandra Oh fit into a list. Really? You can like Asian women, but I would think there were a lot better choices out there.

So anyway, here's my list.

Top 5 Girls
1. Kate Hudson (she's really not my fav. person since she left Chris Robinson but she's still beautiful.)
2. Jessica Simpson
3. Catherin Zeta-Jones
4. Reese Witherspoon
5. Debra Messing

Top 5 Guys
1. Vince Vaughn
2. Ben Affleck
3. Dave Navarro (b/c you have to have one really dirty guy on the list)
4. Adrian Brody
5. is a toss up between Josh Duhamel, Ben Taylor b/c he could sing all the time, or a young James Caan.
Oh I forgot Clive Owen, I have to have someone w/a British accent hmm...

Oh well, It was hard trying to come up with people that everyone else wasn't saying. How lame a list would that be!

The staff at Eat n Park got in on the list making too. It was a suprisingly entertaining conversation.
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