You know what I've rediscovered? Hot chocolate. And yes, I'm aware that it's almost June and that this is very strange timing, but I was trying to get decent hot chocolate without involving a saucepan of any kind because one of my favorite dessert drinks is hot chocolate with Godiva and vanilla vodka. (If bored, add Kahlua and Bailey's and you have a chocolate martini but AWESOMER.) But I'd forgotten just how much I like regular hot chocolate! It is tasty, sipping on it lasts longer than eating dessert, and doesn't leave me feeling as disgustingly full. Good to use after a big dinner.
Oh god, I still have TWENTY SCENES left to write on my Holmes Big Bang. Every time I think about it I start to hyperventilate. I mean, it's all plotted out and everything, but TWENTY SCENES. Rough draft due JUNE SEVENTH and I have six bar shifts and a PARTY between now and then. I know I can make it, but it's kind of fucking daunting. I was rocking through that thing, and then just lost momentum, and now I have to grind myself back into gear.
...I think I might have just killed that metaphor a little.
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