
May 27, 2010 17:04

1) Sunday night I was leaving work and when I looked up, I noticed that not only was the moon full, but there were also a lot of really dark clouds passing in front of it. I thought, "Man, that looks like something out of a Batman cartoon," and then the tiny fraction of my soul that is not a nerd died a little.

2) So, I graduated Saturday. That was... not fun, okay, but... something. In retrospect, if I'd known better I would have skipped the big ceremony and gone to my departmental one instead, not the least of which because the history department is tiny and I would not have had to stand in line for two hours, waiting to go in. At least I wasn't in heels. I made it through the actual ceremony by scribbling bits of the Supernatural story (that I'm using to distract myself from the massive amount of work I have to do on my Holmes Big Bang) on the back of my program. I had about three hours of sleep that night since I closed the bar and had to get up at six, so the rest of my day after the ceremony went like this: lunch, home to take a nap, see Iron Man 2 again, dinner, home to go back to sleep. Hilariously it was my mom who came up with the "let's just nap" idea, and my dad sat on my laptop fucking around political blogs for two hours while we crashed the hell out.

3) I have a to-do list taped to my refrigerator right now that is making me sigh at myself. At least I've got the lawn mowed, but there's all sorts of indoor cleaning I have to do, along with emailing the advising department so I can get the just-graduated hold taken off my school account so I can register for another semester in the fall. Not grad school yet, just staying on my parents' insurance, which requires at least twelve credits, so.... back to school! (This is possibly why graduating did not feel that momentous.) Also I need to just bit the bullet and email my ex-boyfriend, because it's been over six months and he's also been ducking every event where I show up, so it's pretty clear that he's not going to initiate any sort of contact. If he wants to continue to avoid me after that point, that is completely within his rights, but I should at least try, right?

4) So I pretty much lost my entire life for two weeks into Glee. I actually went back to watch it because a) I read
paperclipbitch's awesome awesome awesome Kurt/Puck story 'Cause You've Got An Awfully Long Way To Go and finally got interested in the show again, and b) because I'd just seen the Supernatural finale and needed something light to calm down. (And the waiting finale of Fringe did not qualify.) I will admit that a lot of the criticisms that I saw that made me not want to watch were still there (the depiction of the headmaster of the deaf school made me want to headdesk hard enough to concuss myself) but I fell so stupidly hard for all of the characters that it was worth it. And when it gets it right, it really, really does get it right. Witness last night's episode, in which I cried harder than any tv character death has ever accomplished. Jesus. (Some time after the finale, I want to go back and write an essay about all the ways that all of the characters have grown and changed in awesome ways, because holy shit, dude.)

5) Fringe blew my mind. Is it fall yet?

6) Supernatural broke my heart. In a totally awesome way. I can't think of a better ending for the show. (Yes, I know it's not actually ended, but still. That was an ending. Just not THE ending.)

7) No, actually, I have to back to Glee again. Burt Hummel just about broke my heart in that scene. He may actually have surpassed Keith Mars as my favorite tv dad, though it feels like sacrilege to say that. Keith and Veronica were always on the same wavelength; Burt doesn't understand his son even a little but that doesn't stop him from TRYING and loving him and always, always doing the right thing by him even when it makes him uncomfortable or fucks up his own plans.

That scene was just... man. Like I said above, when Glee hits it, it knocks it out of the fucking park. I want to make every single person I've heard make casually homophobic comments and make them sit down and watch that. But also, I think, it got to me because I've never had to have that speech. My mom was a little weird about the whole "bisexual" concept (she's sixty-two and WAY AHEAD of her time, but even still) but after an initial argument she spent three hours on the internet and then came back and apologized. Dad just sort of shrugged and that was it. It's not something that comes up in my life all that often, and when it does (at work, or with new friends) it's just sort of shrugged off and moved past. It's not a big part of my life because I like being single and I weigh a lot lower on the Kinsey Scale anyway, but it's THERE ANYWAY. Even if most people sort of forget most of the time. I never had to have that speech, because I've had the luxury of it not being a necessity. But I know that there are thousands of people who needed that speech a dozen times or more and never got it. And that's why I was crying like an idiot.

8) I actually just finally finished reading the last volume of Ex Machina today. I really enjoyed it, for the same reason that I really love Powers, the whole genre-bending thing, a superhero book where superhero-ness is background to people's real lives. It's not my favorite, and probably not even my top five, but I really loved it, and I'm sad it's done.

9) Also I re-read all of my Blue Beetle trades last night when I was supposed to be going to sleep. That one is in my top five. It's all of the things I loved about Buffy but MORE AWESOME.

10) I've been reorganizing some of my recs pages and trying hard to keep them updated. More and more I've been adding notes instead of just a link, because I've found that going back and trying to find an old story is getting increasingly difficult. I think maybe I should make an effort to do recs here on my journal, too? For my absolute favorites. Because I end up writing these long epic notes about them on my webpage anyway, so it just makes sense to do it here anyway. I'll come back to this later, I think.

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television, rl, comics, glee, school

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