(no subject)

Sep 17, 2007 10:24

If all goes according to plan, neur0vanity will be posting our Coop/Don porn today. \o/

I have a religions test today at 2:30. I finished the section in the book last night, and now I'm going to get dressed, go downtown, possibly grab some coffee (you guys! I have been drinking so much coffee lately! Is this going to kill me? :-/ I could probably just get some juice; I'm not sleepy or anything) and sit down to go over my lecture notes.

I signed up for the numb3rswom3n fic challenge last night and immediately started being bombarded by ideas and sentences for the fic I want to write for it. It's Terry-centric, which I'm excited about. Unfortunately, I'm not exactly sure when I'll be able to write it because I have muchos reading to do. Oh, of course... during history class. ;-)

I feel guilty over neglecting the numb3rs_het comm, though it wasn't necessarily designed to be a challenge comm. elysium1996 had a cute idea for a challenge so I might post that next week. But I'm also thinking about posting weekly word prompts. Hey, if I start now I can do it every Monday, which feels very... organized. Haha.

Oh, and two things about the SPN DVDs. I watched the WIAWSNB commentary that Kripke did and, okay, that guy dude is really good at commentaries. Haha. When I saw it was just him I thought, Oy, I hope there aren't long lulls of silence since he doesn't have someone else to play off of! But wow, he just goes ON. It was very fun. The only thing I was slightly disappointed about was that he didn't mention Dean's necklace. I don't know if y'all remember, but when he woke up in his AU, his necklace had been replaced with what appeared to be a saint medal on a silver chain. I was SO intrigued by that (because I have kind of a Catholicism kink, shut up) but the camera never seemed to move in close enough to be able to tell what saint it was. Kripke didn't mention it. :-(

The other thing on the DVDs that are very cool are those Devil's Road Map featurettes. Very fun!

Uumm, okay. I'm off to get dressed, e-mail NV, post a prompt at numb3rs_het, and then GO. Hope you all have a good day! :-)

numb3rs_het, school, writing, supernatural

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