Tell me I'm not the only one...

Aug 28, 2007 22:08

Okay, you guys know those pictures of Jared with a baby lion (RAWR) from, like, yesterday? I'll post them under a cut, in case you haven't seen them:

Cute, right? :-) Anyway! For some reason when I look at this lion I think of DEAN, and then in my mind Jared becomes SAM and these pictures are of Sam and lion cub!Dean (and all the girls flocking around Sam to see his pet lion, bwahaha).


(Of course, at the same time, they make me anticipate lots of RPS where a longsuffering Jensen has to put up with Jared coming back to Vancouver, all, "OMG, Jensen, I want to get a BABY LION now. They're so CUTE and SOFT and CUDDLY, you wouldn't BELIEVE it, man. I got to HOLD one, how cool is THAT?" and Jensen has to constantly remind him that they are "WILD ANIMALS, Jared, and they get a lot BIGGER. *SIGH*" And then maybe something about, "You know, I'm soft and cuddly, too," and they have sex. \o/ Because otherwise it would just be RPF. Boring.)

jsquared, jared padalecki, picspam

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