(no subject)

Aug 27, 2007 21:39

Hung out with little ones earlier (mostly with a 2-year-old, so I won't say "babies"), came home, had a popsicle, am now falling asleep. *snores*

ignipes gave me the letter P in the "Ten Things I Like" meme, and I spent the walk home from school today thinking of things. I'll probably post that tomorrow.

emmademarais wrote me SPN baby!fic just because I demanded asked! You guys should go bug her to post it, because it's adorable. *loves*

Somebody in the class before mine today spilled a cup of coffee on the floor and LEFT IT THERE. Who does that??? Bizarre.

I have a shitload of Spanish homework to do before my class tomorrow, which starts at 1:00. I'mma go to bed early so I can get up early and do it. \o/ Maybe I can attempt some drabbling between classes, though.
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