just a bit of rambling.

May 07, 2007 00:07

Mmm, I'm sleeeepy so this'll be short and random.

There was a volunteer appreciation luncheon at the place where I volunteer (with BABIES, you know? hee) and I (along with everybody else) got a t-shirt, which I like a lot. I also (NOT along with everybody else) got a Certificate of Recognition, "In gratitude for your years of dedicated service to [place]. You do make a difference." The certificate went to people who've been volunteering there for at least five years. \o/

So yeah, I'm happy about that. :-) It was nice to go to this place and see the moms taking care of the kids, for once. I just had to sit there and appreciate the cute without worrying about, like, the babies getting stepped on if I didn't watch closely enough. ;-)

My sister's coming home on Wednesday. I'm super excited.

It was hella hot here today. It's after midnight and it's still almost 80 degrees (F). Ick. I have to go plug my fan in before I go to bed. I don't remember the last time it was this hot. Ugh. It was still breezy today, as usual, but it was a warm breeze. :-/

I have a brief conference scheduled with my English teacher tomorrow, rather than a class. I'm predicting it will go something like this:

Him: Hi Mary! So... what have you got so far?
Me: Uhh, nothing, really. Heh.
Him: *disapproving look* Hmm... well, do you know what you're going to do?
Me: *panics* *lies* Oh, yeah, sure, I... I have it in my HEAD, you know, it's just not on paper yet.
Him: Alright, well, you've got a week. Good luck!


school, real life

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