post of random

May 02, 2007 17:57

First of all: Happy Birthday, Sammy! Our boy is 24 years old today and hotter than ever. ;-) There's a whole comm of loving for him here: sam_a_palooza. I've been gone all day so I haven't had a chance to really check it out yet, but I posted a link to my SPN story from last year, Chocolate (PG, gen), earlier.

Second of all: In a minute I'm going to post a drabble. :-)

Third of all: Okay, this might take a bit of explaining. In the Bay Area (in some places I've seen it generalized to all of California, but I think of it as a Bay Area thing), there is a word which is used sometimes. "Hyphy." It's the Cali equivalent of crunk, basically. (Or at least, that is my understanding. I'm not really "cool," so. :-P) Links: definition of "crunk," definition of "hyphy."

Now, the POINT of all this is that today in biology class we learned about fungi, and fungi have something called "hyphae" which is pronounced (by my teacher, at least) exactly the same as "hyphy" (HI-fee). Everytime he used the word, a bunch of kids in the class had to keep from laughing, including me. I imagine this is a problem every biology teacher in the Bay Area has.

It was hilarious. :-)

Umm, I think that might be it...

sam winchester, school

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