Heroes and The Black Donnellys and a little about my day

Feb 26, 2007 23:00

Okay, just one little thing about Heroes, since Black Donnellys left me blubbering and speechless...

I expect Mr. Bennet/Claude now, just so y'all know. Seriously. (Not that I actually read any of the fic in this fandom, but I might have to start now, just so I can look for this pairing.)

I am so in love with this show, AND, okay, ever since I got Snow Patrol's album, I've thought that it was basically the theme album for SPN, but since it will never be played on that show... I was happy to hear it here. :-)

God, Tommy. *cries*

Here's the song played at the end, if anybody wants it and doesn't have it: Snow Patrol - Open Your Eyes

I think I'mma go to bed soon, because I only got a few hours of sleep last night. Today was English, then lunch, then library for a bit (where I discovered that Jared was in a movie I'd never heard of? Or something? I don't know, I have to go look it up on IMDb... Oh, okay, it's this one: A Little Inside. My library has it. I might just have to check it out. Not that it looks particularly good, just--Jared!) Um, then on to biology, where there were such ringing silences every time our teacher asked a question that if I were him I'd be a little depressed. Then in lab we made cheese. Then I came home, ate dinner, and went out to do my volunteer work, where not only did I get to negotiate squabbles between four-year-olds who used such winning arguments as, "You're not my friend anymore because you took that tinkertoy I wanted to play with," against each other, I also got to hold and play with a BABY. \O/ I held her while she drank from a bottle, and stared down into her eyes, and felt vaguely maternal. :-)

Then I came home and watched Heroes with my daddy, and The Black Donnellys by myself, and cried at the ends of both shows, but more at BD, and then I turned off the TV and came and wrote this. Now I'm a little hungry, since dinner was about 6 hours ago, but I don't know if we have any food, so I'll probably just go to bed. *sigh*

school, real life, heroes, the black donnellys, music

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