Starbucks observations

Oct 23, 2009 15:15

Haha, okay. I came to Starbucks to do some stuff online, and I sat at a table outside near a couple of boys who I think were high school students? Anyway, I couldn't help but overhear their conversation and it went something like this:

Dude A: When I came back [to school] everybody was coming up to me, like even kids I'd never met before, all, "You're Dylan So-n-so, right?" and I was like...
Dude B: Yeah, that's 'cause I didn't stop talking about you the whole time you were gone, talking about all the crazy shit we did Junior year...

(OR SOMETHING. But the main point is that the other boy was freely admitting that he talked about this kid CONSTANTLY to EVERYBODY because he missed him.)

And then I noticed that they were sharing a frappuccino. And in between my fears that they were going to give each other SWINE FLU, I thought that was kind of sweet.

(True story: I just accidentally wrote SWINCE FLY instead of swine flu. Whoops!)

And THEN, a guy went into the Starbucks pushing a double stroller with babies in it and they were very cute, so that was good.

My midterm yesterday went alright! It was definitely not as hard as it could have been, but there were still a couple of things I messed up on. Overall, though, not too bad. I have another on Monday and then next Thursday, so. Aaaagh.

school, real life

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