(no subject)

Oct 14, 2009 16:49

Heeey fizellas!

Okay, first of all: There is this fellow named Ron Pope who just released a new single on iTunes, "A Drop In The Ocean." This is me officially pimping it. It's not my FAVORITE SONG in the world, but it's lovely and I think he's very talented and charming. His record deal is brand-spankin'-new and I think it would be nice to see him successful. Also, he posts Tweets like Trying to "pick myself up by the bootstraps" is failing. Thinking about taking off the boots and drinking a bottle of red wine barefoot. which frankly is a philosophy I can get behind.

Ugh, I can't believe I used the word "fellow." I'm turning into my father. :-/

Aaaanyway. I'm kind of tired right now. Overall I think it's been a pretty good day, though. Yesterday we had, like, torrential rain, but today we only had a little bit, so I didn't get soaked. Now I'm online for a little bit because I need to e-mail one of my TAs, and then I need to go home and do some reading and writing.

I need to decide whether to stop by a burrito place I keep walking by but haven't been in yet for dinner, or whether to go home and forage for something... Hmm.

school, real life, music

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