I am missing someone but I don't know who

Mar 18, 2008 17:38

Ugh, man, I'm kind of... tired and headachey and hungry, and I don't feel like studying. At ALL. I have a math test tomorrow. I might seriously cry if I get another C (or WORSE, omg) in this class.

Last night mercilynn and I decided we should write something, so we figured, okay, go with the latest numb3rs100 prompt ("devotion") and cook up some drabbles. I told her to write David/Colby, and she gave me a choice between Don/Megan and Coop/Charlie. She wrote this drabble: Hopelessly Devoted To You (haha, this title keeps making me laugh). And I... wrote gen. And, um, went over 400 words?


Haha. The funniest thing was, I wrote it, and looked at it, and thought, wow. Where does one even POST 300+ word genfic? (numb3rs_fic, right?) Anyway, so. It's not really fit for public consumption yet, but it has promise, so hopefully I can post that sometime later in the week.

My Spanish teacher asked us what we're going to do for Spring Break next week, and everybody's like, "Go down to L.A.!" etc., and he got to me and I said, "Um, sleep. And study." He said, "You're not going anywhere? Not doing anything special?" and I'm thinking, UM. SLEEP. Yeah.

Do you guys all know who Brandi Carlile is? I've been listening to her album The Story a lot recently, and I'm so in love with her music. So, in case you aren't familiar, here are a couple of songs:

The Story - Brandi Carlile
Josephine - Brandi Carlile

school, writing, real life, music

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