we're all stories

Sep 09, 2015 23:59

Here and there, I'm seeing a 30 Days of Fandon Meme. While there's no way I'm going to manage all 30 days (BABY STEPS!), I'm a sucker for a good origin story and Day 1 of this meme is basically everyone's fannish first time.

Day 1's fannish first time for me is a slightly embarrassing,long and not so interesting story, that involves a new baby, late night feedings, serious sleep deprivation, Dawson's Creek reruns and a random article, on some random web page, that mentioned fan fiction.

Hello, Pacey/Joey fanfic.

From there, it was the every widening spiral into Star Wars and Sentinel and... too many fandoms to name. And somewhere along the way I decided to write something and then someone said, "OH, you should join LJ!" and now, 12 years later, I can't even imagine the time before there was this wealth of interesting, brilliant world of fic.

But, (and here's where I tumble away from the prompt), I think a collection of firsts best answer this origin story:

From my first slash fandom: 20 Questions by Annie Carr & Emrin Alexander; SW: Phantom Menace

One of the first fics that took my breath away: A Heart For Every Fate; SG1; Jack/Daniel

A first random fandom fic (you know, a one-night-stand fandom) that I loved, loved, LOVED: Higher Education; Breakfast Club; Brian/Bender

A first in picspam/character analysis joy: You're a Smart Man, Mr. Eames; Inception

First fic marked as favorites on my pinboard account: Lords of Misrule; LOTR; Legolas/Gimli

And in keeping somewhat with the prompt...my first fic (I think): The Company You Keep; SG1; Jack/Daniel

This entry was originally posted at http://sori.dreamwidth.org/102751.html. Please comment there using OpenID.
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