Project updates

Nov 06, 2011 22:04

This weekend -- non-embroidery. Been researching for my German dress. First one will be the kampfrau (to be started after January). Working on items needed so will have materials needed. Planning shopping trip to SF/Berekley for wool & linen inDec (will be Christmas gift from hubby). Second dress will be hausfrau with 2 sets of detatchable sleeves. Thank you Monica Kroger for all your time and patience, thus far.

Saturday -- non-embroidery. Actually cooked with hubby. Stuffed bell peppers, scalloped potatoes, made crm chz filling for marinated small red peppers (a few are good, but not more that 2 or 3).

Sunday (today) -- roasted sweet potato stripps w/marshmellow & sour crm dipping sauce, bread pudding & chicken, kale & shell noodle casserole.

Starting Monday -- back to embroidery projects. One ¾ done and two are half completed. The way I figure it, will have 2 completed by end of November and the third one will be done before 12th Night. Will post photos as completed.

The next three Saturdays are booked, so no embroidery on those days:
12th is Cyn/Mist War (have a few people to see and entries for the A&S Display)
16th, hubby is taking me on a State employee Swan Tour in the early afternoon
26th is the Golden Rivers Anniversary Banquet

Still working on items that I can do after the new year. I need to plan on items for Byzantine garb (with lots of embroidered beading). I have ideas for different hats (with lots of pearls), but need to check out types of material for garb. Seems that I never enough time for all of my projects.... LOL

cooking, byzantine, germans, garb, events

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