It's not easy being two, y'know. You're mobile, you're active, you can do so much! The world is your squeaky toy of choice! And it's all so new and exciting!
Faster! Faster!!
But you're still limited and can't do everything you want to. Because things are big, and you're small. Because grown-ups won't let you (come on, this business with the toy cooker and pots and pans and stuff is all well and good - but why can't you play with the real things?) And sometimes it all gets a bit too much, and all you can do is roll around on the floor and yell.
(I'll tell you a secret - there are times that grown-ups would love to be able to throw a tantrum too...)
Still, there are things that make life wonderful. Like yoghurt. And huggles and pasta and painting and singing and cake and cotcot sitsit1 and tickles and books and "twinkle twinkle cotcot bar"2 and hirangles3 and lellow4 cars and chickens and buses. And bed5.
Beds are so much more fun when you want to be in them
1 chocolate biscuit
2 hehem "Twinkle twinkle chocolate bar, my dad drives a rusty car. Pull the handle, push the choke. Off we go in a cloud of smoke. Twinkle twinkle chocolate bar, my dad drives a rusty car."
3 triangles
4 yellow
5 honestly, sometimes it feels that we've got a teenager instead of a toddler - "no up! BED!"