Things I Love Thursday

Mar 11, 2010 12:29

Hooray! Thursday! Stuff I have been loving this week:

-Gay marriages in DC. Congratulations, Sinjoyla Townsend and Angelisa Young! A bloo-bloo-bloo.
-Kicking ass at our presentation. Researching for it was really interesting, too - the mechanics of certain genetic diseases were neat to check out.
- Chocolate-covered bacon roses. I want to make them, what.
-Finding more and more people that are going to Sakuracon! I'm getting excited. :D
-Ridiculous Sims, the use of which have spurred actual names for the Aviary squirrel family. (More on them later.)
-A big-ass teaspoon in India.
-The Woman in Black.
-The snow on campus a couple of days ago. What the hell. XD
-Feeling good about challenging trails that seriously kicked my ass earlier in the quarter.
-Saiyuki Reload Blast chapter 2. Yesssss.
-Lockets, things that make glee happen, big rings, Godzilla haiku, sencha, neat cosplayers, secret hideouts, oh Victoriana (read: gaaaaay), star maps, awwwww, Goofy Movie songs, Kyuubi Lure, cave bears, extreme sports, pleats (Luxirare link), the phrase "government cheese," turtles, lol Edgeworth, long lace dress (also Luxirare), delicious Mexican food, mint chutney and paneer naan, Sihaya Designs update, unicorn gundams, this xkcd strip, Ivalice history, nerd merit badges, sharing stories, Gorillaz Vocaloids (and also everything else in that post), class material crossover, wonderful generous classmates, chocolate chip cookie dough, the posture of hummingbirds.

What about you? What are you heartmarking at this week?

school, things i love thursday, food, links

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