Dec 28, 2012 23:58
When I left off on Thursday, December 20, I was wondering how much more snow we would have when I woke up. Well, the wind blew all night at over 45 mph gusts of wind, but it was basically windy all night and through the morning. I did have a big drift all down our new deck and over all our sidewalks and quite a bit of hard packed, drifted snow in front of the garage doors. We also had very strange drifts and places the snow piled up or stuck and yet others that were bare. In the corner of our house by the electric meeter, which is a south facing wall, but the wind was from the north, the snow piled up in that corner and then made a long, narrow path right up the east wall to the right of the south facing wall. It went up two stories and formed a really cool design. The reason I am explaining all this, as I took a picture of it but now it is no where to be found on my camera. It probably would have been one of those pictures that could win a contest, but it was eaten up by my phone.
I finally got to plowing in the early afternoon and I found the snow hard packed and very heavy and wet. I could barely move the plow with the slippery conditions under the heavy, wet snow. I had only plowed a little bit when I was pushing the snow off the driveway to the side, and got stuck from going too far. I tried to get out and then realized my back left tire was sunk in unfrozen soil up to the axle. I had to call a tow truck to get me unstuck from my yard. Later that day I found out that our kids, who were traveling home in two different vehicles, each had gone off the road into the median due to bad roads and snow. They each had to get a tow truck to be pulled out. Their 6 1/2 hour drive home took 12 hours! We were planning a special supper, so Sally and I ended up going out to eat at The Full Throttle.
Saturday everyone but me went shopping and I know I had stuff to do, but now I can't remember what it was. Saturday evening we had lasagna at home for supper and then ended the evening with sauna. Sunday was church and we just stayed home all afternoon and then ate again at The Full Throttle. Monday, Christmas Eve day, we had our traditional homemade pizza supper and then went to church.
Christmas day, after our traditional, homemade donut puff breakfast, we checked what we got in our stockings and then headed to Sally's sister's in West Rock for her side of the family, Christmas gathering, with 23 or so this year, and 6 of them being young kids. We had lots of food and desserts, along with noise, excitement and activity. That evening we opened our gifts to each other and then had sauna.
Wednesday morning I brought my Jeep to the mechanic for a heat control problem. Right now only the defroster vents work and none of the others do. The heat works, but it takes a good 30 minutes of driving before the rest of the car gets somewhat warm, but not the floor area. In the afternoon everyone helped make pasties and we had those for supper. Thursday we all went to Marquette for shopping and errands, clock pick up, returning things and looking for good sales. I have also been trying to get a Christmas card and gift card delivered, but the place was closed again. That's the 3rd time I have tried to get it to the person it is for. Rick had a coupon for a free pizza at The Congress in Ishpeming, but when we got there, there was a 1 1/2 hour wait and with a 15 month old, that was not an option. Neither was it for the rest of us, so we went to another pizza place called The Venice Supper Club.
Oh, on Christmas eve and Christmas day night I had a special Light Show with mostly Christmas songs. That took another 10 hours of programming and 46 vehicles came in the two nights to see it. Today, Friday, they called that my glasses were done, but I was hoping they would have been done yesterday when we were in Ishpeming already. So today, after watching Thomas, the 15 month old grandson get his first haircut, I continued on, back to Ishpeming to get my new glasses, again. See last journal for the reason why. Tonight we went to The UP North Lodge for supper to celebrate Lani and Ryan's 10th anniversary. Again we ended the evening with sauna.