Art Post: Deathly Hallows illustration

Aug 12, 2007 11:02

Title: "" DH illustration
Rating: PG (for violence)
Characters: Snape, Harry
Materials Used: Ink, Tablet, Gimp 2.2
Description: Illustration of Chapter 32

Description: "".Memories flooding out of Snape's ears, mouth and eyes after he was bitten by Nagini. Snape grips Harry's robes until a flask to catch the memories is filled to the brim and Snape looked as though there was no blood in him.

This is my first piece of art since my beautiful baby boy was born in early July. I haven't been drawing much this year because of the pregnancy and stress, so I'm a bit out of touch. I hope this is of pleasing quality nonetheless. Took me two hours just to get the line art sketched, I am really out of practice!

I can hardly find the time now for elaborate digital it is, this one took a week of snatched moments when my baby was asleep...and which I confess I would rather have spent sleeping too! So drawings will be much simpler from now on, mostly line art and a few washes of colour.:)

*tired but happy*
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