HP Tarot Entry: "Eight of Swords"

Mar 30, 2007 18:33

Title: Eight of Swords
Author: soramame_kun
Type: Art
Length: Tarot-Card Sized ;)
Main character or Pairing: Harry/Draco
Card: Eight of Swords
Card Interpretation: Bad news, violent chagrin, power in trammels, conflict, calumny
Rating: R
Disclaimer: The concept of Harry Potter is the property of Bloomsbury and JK Rowling. But it's my drawing.
Warnings: Violence.
Summary: Ouch.
Author Notes: Whew, I did not miss the deadline for hp_tarot!


Been too pregnant (27 weeks!) to draw or concentrate on anything much. And ravenna was so worried about my LJ absence she started sending me reminders last week. Stared at my tablet stupidly for ten minutes before figuring out how to calibrate it properly...forgive me. Hope this is okay, sorry if you think I've forgotten how to draw... *tears*

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