This is an reminder post since the event is practically here. Saturday, August 1 at the
Ross Community CenterDoors open 6pm, movie begins 9:30pm - and lots going on in between!
$10 suggested donation to enter.
Buy your tickets in advance UNTIL 7/31/09. 2009 Can't Stop the Serenity Schedule
6:00pm -- Doors open; raffle and auction items available to browse, CSTS merch also on sale.
7:00pm -- Dr. Horrible's Sing-along Blog screening, lyrics provided
8:15pm -- Live auction - bid for your chance to win solo time with your favorite Whedonverse characters!
8:30pm -- Intermission and last chance to enter raffles/bid on art auction
9:00pm -- Raffle drawing
9:30pm -- Serenity screening