A few things came up yesterday so my weekly Heroes sum up did not get posted. But here it is...
I believe this was the first time a Heroes episode has ever stayed with one storyline for the whole time. Though I'm not complaining. The amount of information we learned was most excellent.
So we found out how Parkman and Ted go into the Bennet's residence and why they ambushed the family. They had arrived when no one was home to steal the computer. Parkman wanted to do the smart thing and leave, but you know how Ted is. Mr. impatient, I want answers now. So they took the Bennets hostage. While this seemed like a super terrible idea it really did turn out for the best.
I was also a huge fan of the flash back sequences being in black and white. It drew a very definitive line between past and present. So lets start with the past....
15 years ago we learn how Mr. Bennet got his job and how he met Claude. The organization teams up a normal guy with a person with powers because according to the organization, dealing with special people is a little easier when a special person can help.
14 years ago we learn how Claire joined the family. This was quite a shocker. Mr. Nakamura was the one who gave Claire to Mr. Bennet on top of the the Deveaux building where lots of other events had been taking place. The thing that also got me was Mr. Nakamura's comment about Bennet not getting too attached. This lead me to believe that Nakamura was hiding Hiro from the organization, or at least have every intention of doing so if he ever manifested an ability. This also makes me wonder is Hiro Mr. Nakamura's biological son.
13 (or so) years ago we first meet the Hatian. He's mute the agency says, but he can draw how his ability works. Mrs. Bennet receives her first mind wipe. Ha! I was right. Sandra had been having her memory erased ever since Claire joined the family, but her mind was erased for a different reason than I originally thought. It was erased because she stumbled across Mr. Bennet's gun and work stuff. Either way that poor woman.
7 years ago we learn why Claude is unhappy with Bennet and Primatech. According to the organization Claude was a traitor and it was Bennet's job to take care of him. On a bridge out in the middle of nowhere Bennet shoots Claude. Before anyone dies, Claude disappears and thus is presumed dead. I mean what else would you think about an invisible man that was shot and fell off a bridge.
3 years ago we learn how Mr. Bennet got his HRGs and Claire finds out that she is adopted. Bennet really doesn't have a good beside manner and I think he scared Claire. Also I was super excited about how young they managed to make Hadyen look. *giggle*
Now to present day. Parkman is holding a gun on the Bennets while Ted is keeping his calm as best he can. The threats begin. Information on why they have abilities. Why did Primatech paper do this to us? Etc. Yay answers! *ahem* But before answer can be gotten, things get crazy at the house. Initially Parkman was trying to interview Claire to gain some more understanding. There is some discussion about Peter and I'm not sure Claire figured out Peter's ability but I hope so. Poor girl, she needs her uncle. But sadly Clarie doesn't know much and is really confused about what Bennet does at work.
As usual with hostage situations tensions are high. People start flipping out. Guns are being pointed around the room. Thankfully Parkman is able to save the day by reading thoughts and shooting Claire before Ted really kills someone. Of course poor Sandra watches as her daughter drops dead. This is where Parkman forms a new alliance with Bennet. They hide Claire before she heals up. And now it's time to head to Primatech.
Initially Ted was going to go with Bennet, but he insisted on staying with the Bennets because he could do more damage. Parkman and Bennet leave. They get information, a tranquilizer and the Hatian because he is useful. Bennet also gets a word in along the lines of "You could talk all this time. *anger*" Hahaha so yeah, the Hatian had been acting mute forever. Great way to earn trust when someone things you can't blab about it. Anyway....
Back at home Claire sneaks about the house to save her brother and mother while Ted is preoccupied. Sadly Ted interrupts the escapes and Sandra doesn't listen when Claire says run though Kyle managed to get away. So now Ted is quite angry that he was lied to about Claire's death. This does not bode well, so he sits down to do his calming exercises close to his new pair of hostages.
Finally Bennet and Parkman return with the informative files. Parkman and Ted learn these abilities came naturally. Primatech/the organization was not responsible for the death of Ted's wife. Things are going relatively smooth until Bennet's boss makes a cameo and shoots Ted. How stupid are you? The pain from the bullet causes Ted to lose control and starts irradiating the area. Things start to burn and crackle. It's looking pretty bad.
Claire steps up to save the day. She is the only one who could get close enough to Ted to tranq him. Despite an explosion that seems to spell doom for everyone, Claire walks out and we get to see one of her best regenerative sequences ever. Though now the cat is out of the bag for the organization that Clarie has abilities. Bennet had been hiding her.
And finally Bennet, Claire and the Hatian head out to that bridge in the middle of nowhere. Bennet had told his organization that the Hatian had been hiding Claire. So as per his job, Bennet was supposed to dispose of him. Though Bennet being a crafty and exceptionally ballsy man opts to have the Hatian shoot him AND remove any thoughts of the plan to save/hide Claire.
Woohoo!! Hopefully this means that Claire and the Hatian are NYC bound. I really want Claire to meet the rest of her true family. Though given what happened this week I doubt we'll see Claire at all next week. Heck I'm not certain there would be any time for Claire given that in the preview we see Hiro get his sword, Nathan punch Niki/Jessica, Mohinder saying "This will only hurt a little" over Sylar's shoulder and a bunch of other super cool things. 40 some minutes is barely enough time!